Granma Archives Index
The Granma Archives Index is a searchable Spanish-language data base of articles published from 1965 to 1992 in the official daily newspaper of the Cuban Communist Party, Granma. This data base provides bibliographic references for the articles, including headlines, length of the article, date, and author. Full-text of the articles is not available online. UT Austin students and faculty can find full-text articles at the Benson Latin American Collection. For other areas, please consult your local librarian for assistance or find the nearest location with holdings for Granma using WorldCat.
This data base was compiled by the research department of the Radio Martí Program, sponsored by the U.S. Information Agency. For additional information, consult the History of the Granma Archives Index.
Whether you consult the Index with search or browse, the results will correspond to one year of the Index. To locate a search term(s) within each year, click on a search result or a year from the browse list below and then use the "Edit" -> "Find" function on your browser.