-DATE- 19740129 -YEAR- 1974 -DOCUMENT_TYPE- SPEECH -AUTHOR- F. CASTRO -HEADLINE- MASS RALLY -PLACE- PLAZA DE LA REVOLUCION IN HAVANA -SOURCE- DOMESTIC RADIO/TELEVISIO -REPORT_NBR- FBIS -REPORT_DATE- 19740130 -TEXT- PRIME MINISTER CASTRO ADDRESSES RALLY FOR BREZHNEV Havana Domestic Radio/Television Services in Spanish 2210 GMT 29 Jan 74 F/C [Speech by Prime Minister Fidel Castro, first secretary of the PCC Central Committee, at a mass rally held on 29 January at the Plaza de La Revolucion in Havana to welcome CPSU General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev--live] [Text] Beloved Comrade Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, [applause] Beloved leaders of the USSR party and government accompanying Comrade Brezhnev, [applause] Beloved comrades of the PCC Central Committee and the Revolutionary Government of Cuba, [applause] Beloved compatriots: [applause] Our people are assembling in gigantic and enthusiastic throngs to express to you, Comrade Brezhnev, and the leaders of the USSR party and government accompanying you, our feelings of friendship, love and affection for the great Soviet nation and for the heroic party which under the leadership of immortal Lenin [applause] carried out the first socialist revolution in the history of humanity. At the same time, it is a demonstration of the joy and honor that your visit represents for our people. This event constitutes an historic and unforgettable event in the life of our fatherland and for the excellent and exemplary relations that are developing between our two nations. You arrive in our land when the Cuban Revolution has just commemorated 15 years of existence and, on the date of your arrival, the 121st anniversary of the birthday of the apostle of our independence [applause]--whose marble statue symbolizing his glorious life devoted to dignifying man presides over the events in this plaza--is being commemorated. This is the first opportunity for the general secretary of the glorious CPSU to visit Cuba. It is also the first time in which a nation of the Latin American community has had the opportunity to receive such an illustrious revolutionary visitor. [applause] That this meeting is possible is the result of the determined and tenacious action of our revolutionary people and of the exemplary solidarity with which, during crucial moments of our struggle, the great fatherland of Lenin offered its fraternal and generous hand. [applause] Men exist in the world who do not know or understand what solidarity means when mortal dangers threaten the life of a whole nation, when the struggle and sacrifices of whole generations are on the brink of being lost, when the dark future of slavery and death are real alternatives to a legitimate hope for freedom and peace. Others might exist who ignore--because they have never struggled nor have known any other but theoretical and ideal forms of revolution--what a people can do in its determination to create a new world and what a feeling of gratitude is. But the Cubans who do know about those realities will never be disloyal or ungrateful. [applause] Our fatherland has a short history, but is rich in experience, heroism and revolutionary struggles. It has been more than 100 years since our forefathers took up arms to shake off the Spanish colonial yoke. For nearly 30 years, they fought without truce or rest with only the strength of a small unarmed nation against one of the then most powerful European colonial armies. Hundreds of thousands of the country's sons shed their blood on the glorious path of freedom and left to future generations an immortal legacy of integrity and patriotism. But the culmination of their heroic struggles coincided with the arrival of the imperialist system into the world, which Lenin described so accurately. The powerful capitalist nation of North America, which by then was beginning to look as an imperial power at the end of the last century, intervened in the Cuban war of liberation, dispossessed Spain of many possessions and militarily occupied our fatherland. Over the sea of blood that was shed, from a Spanish colony we became Yankee property. The natural resources, the lands of superior quality, the banks, public services, foreign trade and the growing industries went to foreign hands. The economic, political and cultural life of the country was totally dominated by the United States. The right to intervene in Cuba--in accordance with the law of the constitution--was humiliatingly imposed and a piece of our territory in the magnificent Guantanamo Bay was transformed into a military and naval base ever since then. Unemployment, illiteracy, poverty, latifundium, prostitution, gambling, medicancy, public corruption and cruel exploitation were the bitter fruits of the neocolonial system. There were puppet regimes which many times were blood thirsty and served as meek tools for the exploiters. A people had not been sacrificed in epic strife for this. But with the imperialist neocolonialist exploitation, our working class was also born. That class, together with the peasantry and the students, held on high the fighting spirit, and in most advanced nuclei, it became the bearer of the proletariat's revolutionary ideas. The echoes of the October Revolution also reached our fatherland like a ray of hope for the humble and exploited. Shortly thereafter the first Marxist-Leninist party of Cuba was born. The Soviet people [applause], the Soviet people had just begun their glorious history. they had yet to shed much blood and sweat to confront the foreign invasion and the fierce imperialist blockade to develop, amid very trying circumstances of poverty and isolation, the material-technical base of socialism. Finally, they had to smash the criminal fascist aggression, before--thanks to their heroic endeavor and the sacrificing of 20 million of their best sons--the socialist camp could emerge and the extraordinary conditions could be created that made possible the liquidation of the colonial system and the liberation of tens of nations in the world scene. [applause] In Cuba, despite the fact the imperialists had invested more capital in our country than in other Latin American countries, dominating all fields more than in any other country of this continent, the heroic fighting traditions of our people were not dead. Nor, was Marti's decorous path forgotten. Nor did the persecuted, slandered and proscribed revolutionary ideas of Marx, Engels and Lenin [applause] cease to have their irresistible force of attraction and extraordinary value, as ideological weapons, for interpreting reality and inspiring the action of the revolutionaries. Once again their sons were capable of taking the bitter path of freedom at the opportune time. And when 4 decades of the victorious October had barely transpired, the bourgeois and pro-imperialist state was wiped out in Cuba. For the first time in history, our people became the genuine masters of their destinies. [applause] Nevertheless, when the Cuban Revolution emerged triumphant in 1959, very few people in the world gave it a chance for survival. As occurred with the October Revolution in its time, many predicted that the Cuban people could not resist the overwhelming economic, political and, in the final instance, the military power of imperialism. In the judgement of those who dominated this continent, no Latin American state could have the right to eradicate the hateful system of capitalist exploitation and establish socialism. Of course, imperialism repeatedly underestimated our people. It underestimated them when, during the armed struggle against the tyranny, it believed it could hold back the revolution by means of a coup d'etat that would replace Batista with another ruling clique. Imperialism underestimated the people when, in the great ideological political struggle waged after the triumph, it imagined that the masses, misguided and confused by anticommunism, would turn against the revolutionary power. It underestimated the people when it entertained the absolute certainty that the Giron mercenary expedition--like in Guatemala--would crush the revolution. And imperialism underestimated again when it scorned the capacity, valor and dignity of our people to carry forth its just, revolutionary struggle. [prolonged applause] Imperialism particularly underestimated the historic period in which the Cuban revolutionary process was taking place and the great changes that were transpiring in the world correlation of forces. The economic weapon is one of the most powerful weapons which imperialism undoubtedly possessed vis-a-vis the small impoverished country that lacked energy resources and essential raw materials, the country which it had kept under exploitation and underdeveloped and whose foreign trade was entirely dependent on the U.S. market and supplies. And imperialism did not hesitate in using that weapon against our people. When they abruptly cut off fuel supplies from our people, that was a harsh blow against the revolution. It was then when the Soviet Union, from thousands and thousands of miles away [applause] came to the assistance of our people. Making a notable effort, the Soviet Union provided us with the petroleum we could not have obtained from other sources in the world that were all controlled by the U.S. monopolist enterprises at the time. The second crushing blow thrust against our country's economy was the cutting off of the U.S. market for Cuban sugar--a market that had been formed over more than 100 years ago for the fundamental and sole production that the Spanish colonialists and Yankee imperialists had developed in Cuba. That cruel, unjust, haughty measure, the purpose of which was to defeat our people by starvation, gave rise to a new, unforgettable gesture from the Soviet Union, [applause] the decision to acquire the sugar that was cut off from the U.S. market. The cutting off of the Cuban sugar quota also put the United States in a position to buy, by redistributing the quota among other countries of this hemisphere, the shameful complicity of many Latin American governments, employing that repugnant political crime. However, every economic aggression measure of imperialism was followed by a solidarity action of the sister Soviet people--to the stopping of foodstuffs, raw materials, machinery and lastly by supplying foodstuffs, raw materials, machinery and economic support for Cuba. [applause] In this manner, with great firmness, Lenin's Communist Party, the state and the people, [applause] forged in the heat of the glorious October Revolution, [applause] helped the first socialist revolution in this continent to survive in the face of the mortal blows dealt against its economy by imperialism. In the arsenal of imperialist measures, military aggression was still in store. At the time our people lacked adequate arms to resist. The capitalist markets were unanimously closed under North American pressure. We all recall that the freighter La Couvre, which was loaded with the very few arms we were able to purchase in Belgium, was sabotaged at the point of embarkation and exploded in the port of Havana killing more than 100 workers and soldiers. It was then that the military supplies of the socialist camp--and mainly of the USSR--were the only ones that our fatherland were able to obtain in those critical moments of life or death for the revolution. [applause] With them came also the first technicians who taught us how to use those arms. When the North American manufactured aircraft, tanks and cannons began the attack in Giron, the tanks, cannons and antiaircraft artillery of Czechoslovak and Soviet origin [applause] entered the action against them, together with the old arms that we had. They were held in the vigorous arms of our workers, peasants and soldiers and crushed the mercenary invasion in less than 72 hours. After Giron, the persistent imperialist empire, in trying to resolve the Cuban issue with arms, originated the October crisis, in which the U.S. Government, after bringing the world to the edge of a nuclear catastrophe, was forced to accept the commitment of not invading Cuba, which, joined with the firm attitude and the determined support of the USSR, constituted an important guarantee for the security of the country. [applause] Today our fatherland also possesses armed forces magnificently equipped with arms from the USSR, which that great country, taking into consideration the high cost involved and the peculiar economic circumstances of Cuba, has supplied to us totally gratuitously. [applause] Together with the arms, Soviet specialists, who gained their unsurpassable experience in the heroic battles of the great fatherland war, have given us the military know-how which makes our revolutionary armed forces, made up of the people, an invincible bulwark of socialism in this continent. [applause] The fraternal collaboration of the Soviet Union continued to develop later on all fronts. Thousands of technicians specializing in the most diverse branches of the economy have selflessly worked together with us for nearly 15 years. Today, with the collaboration of the USSR, development programs are being carried out in areas as important as electricity, nickel, petroleum and its byproducts, automotive repair shops, textile industry, can mechanization, renovation and expansion of the sugar industry, port installations, reconstruction and modernization of the railroads, construction of roads and dams, irrigation and drainage systems, geological prospecting, communications in general, education supplies, electronic computer systems, mechanical and steel industries, fishing ports, airports and so forth. [applause] The USSR has granted trade stipulations and long-term credits to our people which constitute a true standard of relations between a great industrial country and a small nation which is struggling for its development without essential natural resources under conditions of the rigid nearly 15-year-old imperialist blockade. The Soviet Union, a socialist and profoundly internationalist country, [applause] does not own a single mine, a hectare of land, a factory, a public service, a transportation line, a bank or a business firm in our country. It has not invested a single penny in Cuba in order to seek dividends. [applause] There is not one single Cuban working for a Soviet-owned enterprise. [applause] Thus, there is the indisputable fact of the profound and abysmal difference between the internationalist relations of socialist Cuba with the Soviet Union and the historic relations known by our people as a Spanish colony first and as a Yankee neocolony later, against which they fought so tenaciously and selflessly over a period of nearly a century. Together with the imperialist chains, our people eradicated all exploitation of man by man. [applause] Today, each Cuban worker toils and produces for his own benefit and that of the community. A new collectivist, fraternal and solidarity soul has been forged in the sons of the revolutionary fatherland and, with that, something consubstantial to all communist awareness, a profound internationalist spirit. [applause] These new human values give the Cuban nation a superior moral dimension. The fact that this has been possible in a nation of this continent reflects a hope in the future that man can conquer on the roads that were opened by the shining October Revolution. [applause] Our country is also moving forward in the material order without excessive ambitions, which would neither be consistent with our natural and technical resources, nor with the realities of a world which to a large part confronts and will continue to confront difficult problems of subsistence. Our consumer standards do not have to be similar to those of developed capitalist societies built on exploitation, anarchy and economic squandering with total disregard for moral and human values. If the material needs of the human being ought to should have a rational limit adjusted to the natural and technical resources and to the elementary conservation of the biological environment, there remains, in exchange, the unlimited field of his spiritual enrichment and the quality of his life, which was never taken into account in the maddening, selfish, mercantile, and ravishing vertigo of the capitalist societies. [applause] Together with the material progress that we are gaining little by little, we feel proud of the gigantic social progress made by our people during the past few years of revolution. Not one nation in this continent has attained the results gained already by our people in such vital matters as public health. [applause] The child mortality rate has been reduced to 28 per 1,000, the lowest of all Latin American countries. [applause] Life expectancy, which prior to the revolution did not reach 54 years of age, is now nearing 70. [applause] Not one nation of Latin America enjoys the levels of public education attained by our people. All our children attend school. Promotions increase year after year and wave after waves of youths on a massive scale enter intermediate level education, where in growing numbers of splendid schools the communist principle of combining study and work constitutes the main pillar in the education of our youths. [applause] Our adult population studies and improves itself constantly. Our adult population studies and improves itself in ever-increasing numbers. New generations, possessing a higher culture, advance with a firm step amid Cuban society. [applause] A new dignity born of social justice and true equality among all human beings within a climate where the best abilities and sentiments have really possibilities is being breathed in Cuba's revolutionary atmosphere. In Latin America, other nations besides Cuba, notably including the sister republic of Peru, [applause] are making efforts to recover their natural resources, to develop their economies on firm bases and to achieve full independence. A national awareness and a progressive policy are making headway in this continent. The criminal overthrow of Salvador Allende's Government in Chile [applause] and the reactionary coup in Uruguay--two countries which were formerly characterized and cited as examples of bourgeois political institutionalism--are proof that the reactionary classes cannot halt the popular movement and remain in power unless it is with the most brutal use of force. Brazil, Chile and Uruguay are ruled by typical Nazi methods in which torture and crime are used in a refined and systematic manner. But no social regime can depend on torture and crime to remain indefinitely in power. Historically these government methods are anachronisms which sooner or later will be swept out by the people. [applause] In spite of the strong imperialist pressures and of the efforts of the discredited Organization of American States, Cuba already has diplomatic and friendly relations with eight countries in this hemisphere--Canada, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad-Tobago and Guyana. [applause] The economic blockade did not bring us to our knees, but it will on the other hand remain as an indelible and shameful stain on the history of the United States. [applause] On the international scene, the capitalist societies developed with their wasteful economies and irrational use of luxuries. Their wealth has grown in relation to the unfair trade with the underdeveloped countries, and they have created the conditions for the acute economic problems which confront the world today. Added to the great injuries wrought on humanity by capitalism in the past--the direct exploitation of colonies and dependent countries, the imperialist wars for the partitioning of the world and their sequel of mass murder, destruction and the underdevelopment and poverty affecting a number of countries--there is now the irrational and unlimited squandering of man's natural resources. Until recently we were greatly concerned because the air and water were being contaminated. The world now has the critical energy problem and the possible scarcity of many other natural resources before man has developed substitutes for them. The developing countries with more than 70 percent of th world's population give the developed capitalist world: 60 percent of its petroleum, 50 percent of its copper, iron, lead, sulphur and zinc, 80 percent of its bauxite, and 33 percent of its nickel, yet they consume only 10 percent of the world's production of these products. The population of the world grows at a rate that will reach 7 billion inhabitants during the next 25 years. Today hundreds of millions of human beings are underfed. Hunger already exists in many central African countries as a result of drought. Almost 100,000 peasants have recently died in Ethiopia where an agrarian reform has not even been attempted and 75 percent of the land taxes go unpaid. At present many foodstuffs are hard to obtain, and now with the energy crisis and the increased petroleum prices, the prices of industrial products will grow a pace. The industrialized capitalist world, which today is staggering and uncertain, is fully responsible for this situation. With the unavoidable adjustments which will come, many underdeveloped countries, which lack energy sources and which also must obtain raw materials, manufactured goods, and industrial goods, will face truly critical situations. The prestige of the capitalist world and its bombastic theories on its capacity for continued economic growth are suffering a stunning blow. Even though all the countries will in one way or another suffer the results of any world economic crisis--because of the commercial relations between all of them--there is no doubt that the socialist community is better prepared to resist the blows. Our people are aware of this situation and whatever the difficulties which may come, they will confront them, coordinating their efforts closely with the sister socialist countries, so we will come out ahead. [applause] In view of these realities, Dear Comrade Brezhnev, the peace program of the 24th Congress of the CPSU gains a special importance, [applause] as well as the efforts which you are making personally in favor of international detente. The Soviet state, from the time of its great founder, Vladimir Lenin, has always been noted for its tenacious effort sin the struggle for peace. Never before has the Soviet power been in a better position to influence world affairs in favor of peace, because the correlation of forces has never before been so favorable to the international revolutionary and progressive movement. As we stated at the conference of nonalined countries in Algiers, the mere existence of the Soviet Union is a deterrent against the militarist adventures of the aggressive forces of the imperialist world without which they would have already engaged in a new partitioning of the planet and would not have hesitated in invading the countries which possess oil and other basic raw materials. This new correlations of forces has made it possible to harbor the hope that mankind will make its right to a peaceful future prevail, a future free of the impending threat of a world conflagration--so contrary to the ideals of socialism--and so that its benefits may be reaped equally by all countries. [applause] In the face of the serious economic problems of the contemporary world, the arms race is today more than ever a luxury, a squandering, nonsense and a crime which conspire against the most pressing needs of nations. Is it not absurd--in light of current and foreseeable world problems amid an unsettling scarcity of natural resources, a scarcity of foodstuffs, monetary chaos, a spiraling inflation and a multiplying population--to invest billions [currency not specified] per year in ever-costlier and more destructive armaments? That is why, Comrade Brezhnev, all nations of the world and the most conscientious leaders highly appreciate the Soviet peace policy [applause] and your tenacious efforts to overcome world tension and to achieve an end to the arms race. Our party and our people resolutely support you in this struggle, [applause] congratulate you heartily for the successes you have achieved and urge you to go ahead under the certainty that the present generations and, even more, those to come will forever be grateful for this extraordinary service which Lenin's state and party are rendering to all mankind. [applause] The USSR and socialism of course have revilers and detractors. Every since the first socialist state in the history of mankind emerged in the world and the class society crumbled in the old tsarist empire, swept by the strong hands of the Russian proletariat, reactionaries throughout the plant, filled with a rabid hatred, have undertaken the task of fighting with every possible means against Soviet power and the ideology of the proletariat. Since then, the dirty bourgeois propaganda has ceaselessly and furiously attacked every success scored by the USSR and socialism. As the Leninist program achieves success in the USSR, carrying out in a few dozen years what other communities under capitalism have taken centuries to achieve and as the prestige and influence of revolutionary ideas grow in the world, the helpless hatred of reactionaries and justiciologists [justiciologos: perhaps self-styled lawyers] also grows. Also, there are pseudoleftwingers and renegades of the revolutionary movement who, from allegedly Marxist stands, revile the Soviet Union, wretchedly betray proletarian internationalism and serve the interests of imperialism. [applause] However, nobody reviled the Soviet Union more than Hitler did. Nobody dreamed more than he did of discrediting and destroying the great state founded by Lenin. Yet, truth overcame. History overcame. Heroism overcame. And, stop the ashes of Nazi revilers and the ruins of slander, the first German socialist state strongly stands today. [applause] In Cuba, 90 miles from the United States, one could not mention the world communism 20 years ago. The Soviet Union was ferociously reviled by the reaction and its coryphaeus at the service of the exploiters. And today, in this square, presided over by the red flags of proletarian internationalism, [applause] the heroic and immortal flag of the USSR with the hammer and sickle of the workers and our glorious flag with the single star--which shines with more pride and dignity than ever before, [applause] under the venerated likeness of Marti and before the loved images of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Maceo, Gomez, Che and Camilo [applause]--1 million Cubans express their indestructible friendship, their deep love and their eternal gratitude to the Soviet people through you. [applause and chanting] Neither the blood spilled nor the crimes committed nor raw force nor the infamous lies nor the infinite sacrifices nor the overpowering colonialism nor the arrogant imperialism prevented the idea of independence yesterday, and they did not prevent the idea of socialism today. [Applause] Just ideas grow and the truth acquires tangible form among the people, among the masses, in the events. And when a noble idea, a legitimate aspiration, becomes the staple of the people, no bloody tyranny, no reactionary philosophy, no vile slander will prevent their victory. [applause] That is what the fruitful history of the Soviet people shows up; that is what our own beautiful history shows, and who has doubts that some day Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and all the peoples who today suffer tyranny, slavery, exploitation, lies or aberrations will have their awakening. [applause] Who doubts that some day the bonds of all true revolutionaries and all the liberated peoples will be as fraternal as those between Cuba and the USSR are today. Who doubts that some day the red flags of internationalism will preside over the friendship, fraternity and freedom of all the peoples of the world. [applause] More than 100 years ago, at the beginning of the last century, in the darkest days of colonialist tyranny, an exiled Cuban poet, when he sailed from the coast of his fatherland with deep and unshakable faith in the future, wrote these prophetic lines: Cuba, at long last you will find yourself free and pure as the luminous air you breathe, as the ardent, beloved waves that caress the sand of your beaches. [applause] Marx had not yet formulated his immortal call: Proletarians of every country, unite. The torches of our freedom had not yet been lit in Yara and Baire. The dawn had not yet given the sign to attack the Winter Palace. Less than 150 years have passed since then and in the land as free as the luminous air that surrounds it the people of proletarians forged by Lenin and the revolutionary sons of Marti today embrace in close and eternal freedom under the victorious slogan of Marx. [applause] For this reason, with more strength and optimism than ever, we must today exclaim: Proletarians of all countries, unite! Long live proletarian internationalism! Long live the eternal friendship between Cuba and the USSR! Long live the glorious Communist Party of the USSR! Long live Comrade Leonid Ilich Brezhnev! Fatherland or death; we will win! -END-