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Moscow TASS in English 1905 GMT 4 Feb 74 L

[Soviet-Cuban Declaration--TASS heading. Portions within slantlines
indicate additional words as broadcast by Moscow Domestic Service in
Russian at 1930 GMT 4 February in repeat transmission of the declaration]

[Text] Havana February 4 TASS--Leonid Ilich Brezhnev, general secretary of
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, stayed in
Cuba on on official friendly visit at the invitation of the first secretary
of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Prime Minister of
the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba, Fidel Castro Ruz,
from January 28 to February 3, 1974.

This, first, visit by the general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee
to Latin America's first country which is building socialism, was an
occasion for manifestations of revolutionary enthusiasm and comradely
solidarity by the Cuban working people and marked a new important stage in
the development of Soviet-Cuban friendship. During these days the
inviolable unity and comradely solidarity between the Soviet Union and Cuba
were demonstrated vividly again, and ways of further deepening fraternal
cooperation between them were outlined. The exchange of experience of the
internal development of the two countries was useful and valuable. The
leaders of the Soviet Union and Cuba declare a complete identity of their
views with regard to the present world situation and the tasks of the
foreign policy of the socialist states, a policy of defending the freedom,
independence and sovereign rights of the states and the peoples, a policy
of strengthening peace and international cooperation.

Confidently Marching Along the Road of Socialism and Communism

The Communist Party of Cuba highly assesses the historic significance of
the construction activities of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and
the entire Soviet people in carrying out the decisions of the 24th Congress
of the CPSU.

A successful conclusion of the third, decisive, year of the five-year plan
opens new horizons before the Soviet economy, an economy of full-scale
socialism. The planned assignments for 1973 were overfulfilled for
industrial output and for the growth of labor productivity, which is the
most important indicator of the efficiency of social production. New big
industrial complexes have been built in the country and newly discovered
mineral deposits are being successfully developed.

The steps taken by the CPSU and the Soviet Government in the sphere of
agriculture have led to a considerable growth of agricultural production.
All-time high harvests of cereals, cotton, and same other crops were
gathered last year.

In the centre of the CPSU's activities in managing the national economy are
problems of a further advance of the entire Soviet economy through a wide
introduction of the achievements of the scientific and technical
revolution, improving the planning and management system. The extensive
programme for raising the welfare of the Soviet people is carried out on a
planned basis.

Development of nationwide socialist emulation is a tried and tested method
of mobilising the creative forces of the people for achieving the aims set
by the party. Pre-term fulfillment of planned assignments, counter plans,
and vigorous efforts by the working people to achieve higher labour
productivity and better quality of output--all this makes the Soviet Union
still stronger and helps it accomplish the /worldwide/ historically
important task of building communism.

The Cuban people /enthusiastically/ welcome the successes of the fraternal
Soviet people. The growth of the Soviet Union's economic and defence might,
its successes in building the material and technical foundation of
communism are of tremendous international importance. The USSR's
achievements inspire other socialist countries, instil fresh strength in
all those who arc upholding the cause of freedom, democracy, national
independence and social progress and create an ever stronger material
foundation for the struggle for peace and security of the peoples.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet people highly assess
the successes of the Cuban people who have rallied around their Communist
Party, in accomplishing a great task, that of building a socialist society,
a society free from exploitation, a society governed by the working people
themselves to the good of the entire working people.

The deep-going social and economic changes and the tremendous progress made
in cultural development have not only changed radically the life of the
Cuban people but have also become an inspiring example to many other
peoples fighting for national emancipation and social progress.

Of great importance is the work done now to improve the organizational
structure of the Communist Party of Cuba, strengthen the party ranks,
prepare a party congress, develop socialist statehood, centralized
planning, and educate the broad masses of the people in the spirit of the
ideas of Marxism-Leninism.

The 20th anniversary of the heroic storming of the Moncada barracks and the
15th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution, which were widely
observed recently, were actually a nationwide review of Cuba's achievements
in economic, social and cultural development. The 13th congress of Cuban
trade unions activated the working class and all working people of Cuba
politically and contributed to the growth of their labour activity.

All this eloquently shows that Cuba is living a busy political and economic
life, that the communists of Cuba are carrying high the glorious banner of
the revolutionary traditions of the Cuban people and that the Cuban
socialist revolution has entered a new stage of development, consolidating
and deepening the successes scored.

Fraternal Friendship Between the Soviet Union and Cuba is Developing and
Growing Stronger.

The Soviet Union and Cuba are convinced that inviolable friendship and
fraternal cooperation between the Soviet and the Cuban peoples, and between
the communist parties of the Soviet Union and Cuba meet the basic interests
of the two countries, of the entire socialist community, the interests of
peace and international security. They are determined--in keeping with the
principles of socialist internationalism and in the spirit of complete
equality and mutual respect for sovereignty--to strengthen and develop in
every way Soviet-Cuban friendship, a treasured possession of the peoples of
both countries which are united by a single social system and commonly held
goals in the peaceful construction of socialism and communism.

Everything will be done for the peoples of the Soviet Union and Cuba to
know better each other's life, culture, socio-political, economic,
"scientific and technological experience. Everything will be done to expand
steadily Soviet-Cuban cooperation at the level of communist parties, state
bodies, trade unions, youth, women's and other public organizations and
contacts between representatives of different sections of the population of
the two countries.

Economic, commercial, scientific and technological cooperation between the
two countries will, be constantly developed and improved on a planned
long-term basis, in accordance, specifically, with the economic agreements
signed in 1972. Special attention will be given to increasing the
effectiveness of economic cooperation.

There will be wider cooperation between Soviet and Cuban planning bodies,
between ministries and departments of the two countries, and direct
contacts between Soviet and Cuban factory personnel.

Under the agreements concluded between the two governments the Soviet Union
will be giving socialist Cuba assistance in developing industry,
mechanizing agriculture, and training skilled personnel for various
branches of the Cuban economy.

Contacts and constructive cooperation between Soviet and Cuban research
institutions, educational establishments and unions of creative artists
will be encouraged.

The general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, speaking on behalf of
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Soviet state, and the entire
Soviet people, reaffirmed the readiness of the Soviet Union to continue
assistance and support to Cuba in building a new life.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba
expressed, on behalf of the Communist Party of Cuba, the Revolutionary
Government and the entire Cuban people, deep-felt gratitude to the Soviet
Union for its international solidarity, and for its fraternal assistance to
Cuba in all spheres of building a socialist society.

Communists of USSR and Cuba Fighting for Common Cause

Lying at the foundation of inviolable Soviet-Cuban friendship is all-round
fraternal cooperation between the CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba, two
revolutionary Marxist-Leninist parties which have devoted themselves to the
struggle for the happiness of the working people, for building a socialist
and communist society. The CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba consider it
a task of paramount importance to develop this cooperation.

The CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba will be expanding and improving
steadily cooperation between them at all levels, will regularly exchange
delegations of party functionaries, strengthen contacts between the party
press of the two countries and share on an increasingly large scale their
experience in socialist and communist construction.

In the present conditions, marked by the continued ideological struggle in
the world arena and constant attempts by reactionary propaganda to surround
the socialist countries with a smokescreen of slander, and give the peoples
in their own countries a distorted view of socialism so as to distract
attention from the growing internal crisis of the capitalist system, the
two fraternal parties stress the need for exposing slanderers tirelessly
and effectively, give strong rebuffs to any forms of ideological subversion
by the anti-socialist forces and widely inform the world public about life
in socialist countries.

The CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba invariably come out for further
strengthening the unity of the international communist and working class
movement. They will continue to counteract vigoriously any attempts to
oppose individual sections of the world revolutionary vanguard one to
another, divide the alliance of the forces fighting for social progress,
national emancipation of the peoples and a stable peace.

Both parties are irreconcilable both to the rightwing and "left-wing"
revisionism, hegemonistic and chauvinist tendencies which contradict the
internationalist course that was collectively worked out by the communist
and workers parties. The strengthening of the unity of the ranks of the
world communist movement on the basis of Marxism-Leninism has been and
remains an earnest of successful development and deepening or the entire
revolutionary process.

For a Lasting Peace, Security and Freedom of the Peoples

Half a century has passed since the death of V.I. Lenin, the great
/inspired/ teacher and leader of the working people of the whole world, who
blazed a path to socialism for mankind. The course of international events
continues to bring fresh proof of the correctness of Lenin's analysis of
the main tendencies of world development.

The world is moving in the direction predicted by Lenin.

The might of the world socialist system keeps growing and so does its
influence on the course of international events. Historic victories have
been won in the national liberation struggle of the peoples. Under pressure
from this movement the chains of neocolonialism, with which the
imperialists are trying to replace colonial rule, are torn asunder. The
further aggravation of the general crisis of capitalism is more apparent
today than ever before The capitalist world is shaken by political and
economic contradictions unprecedented in scale and acuteness.

The USSR and Cuba welcome the fact that as a result of the general change
in the balance of forces in favor of socialism and under the influence of
the concerted policy of the countries of the socialist community and active
efforts by all progressive and peace forces, the international situation
has taken a turn from the cold war to detente, to a further assertion of
international relations based on the principles of peaceful coexistence of
states with different social systems.

The Soviet Union and Cuba consider it the central task of their foreign
policy to contribute in every way to further strengthening the might and
unity of the community of socialist states as well as to further developing
close cooperation among them as an important factor for the continuing
growth of their economic and political potential. They proceed from the
fact that the might of the world socialism, the unity and solidarity of the
countries of the socialist community who are linked by strong bonds of
brotherhood, selfless mutual assistance and support, represent in this age
the main revolutionary force which is exercising a determining influence on
the course of the world social development.

The Soviet Union and Cuba attach great importance both to the improvement
of the existing forms of bilateral and multilateral ties and to constant
search for new ways and lines of cooperation between the fraternal
countries in the political, economic and other fields. They intend to give,
as before, unflagging attention to the questions of socialist economic
integration, facilitate in every way the implementation of the
comprehensive programme and other measures worked out for these purposes
within the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

The Soviet Union and Cuba strongly condemn any acts of imperialist
aggression that endanger the life and peaceful labour of the people. They
solemnly declare their unshakable devotion to the cause of strengthening
world peace. Peace is essential for solving the cardinal problems of the
times and for further social progress.

For the socialist countries, peace creates favorable conditions for
building socialism and communism; for the peoples waging
national-liberation struggle, peace gives wide opportunities for
strengthening political independence, achieving economic independence and
for bringing down colonial and racist regimes; for the working peoples of
capitalist countries, peace facilitates their struggle against exploitation
and for their lawful rights.

It is only a stable, democratic and just peace, based on the principled
renunciation of war as a means of settling disputes and differences between
states and presupposing strict respect for the sovereignty of all states
and excluding any interfering in their internal affairs--that creates
conditions for really equitable and fruitful cooperation among the peoples.
Peace is indivisible, it must be ensured for all countries irrespective of
their size, economic and military might and social system.

The Communist Party and the Revolutionary Government of Cuba stress the
great international significance of the purposeful Soviet foreign policy,
and successful implementation of the peace programme worked out by the 24th
Congress of the CPSU. The Communist Party and the Government of Cuba fully
solidarize with the principled, and consistently-class [punctuation as
received] foreign policy of the CPSU and the Soviet state.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Government highly
appreciate the fact that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
Cuba and the Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba contribute by
their active foreign policy to attaining the common goals the countries of
the socialist community have set before themselves in the international
arena. The international prestige of socialist Cuba keeps growing.

The victory of the heroic Vietnamese people in the struggle against
imperialist aggression and the conclusion of the agreement on ending the
war and restoring peace in Vietnam are an event of historic significance.
It is a victory for the unbending courage of a people fighting for their
freedom and at the same time a victory for the international solidarity of
socialism, of all freedom-loving anti-imperialist forces, all champions of
peace and justice. The Soviet Union and Cuba reaffirm their
internationalist solidarity with the people of Vietnam. They will continue
to strengthen fraternal cooperation with the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam, give it all the necessary assistance and support in restoring its
national economy and in building socialism. They also declare full support
for the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South
Vietnam which expresses the interests of the South Vietnamese population.
The USSR and Cuba condemn sabotage of the Paris agreement, the actions of
those who prevent the people of Vietnam from realising freely their
national aspirations. They solidarize with the statements of the Government
of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary
Government of the Republic of South Vietnam which demand faithful
observance of the Paris agreement by all its signatories.

The Soviet Union and Cuba positively assess the agreement on the
restoration of peace and achievement of national accord in Laos, and
express again their solidarity with the struggle of the Cambodian patriots.
They support the proposals of the Government of the KDPR for a peaceful
democratic unification of the country and the demands of the Korean people
for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from South Korea.

The Soviet Union and Cuba hold identical positions in supporting the
national liberation struggle of the Arab peoples against Israel's
aggression. The first steps have been made toward practical elimination or
the existing breeding ground of dangerous tension in the Middle East.
Hostilities have been stopped and the peace conference opened in Geneva.
These are steps in the right direction, steps toward an aim for which the
socialist countries and other peaceloving states have been fighting for
many years, supporting the just cause or the Arab peoples.

Under discussion so far are partial measures which do not cover the entire
zone of the conflict. The need now is to make a radical peaceful settlement
of the Middle East conflict a reality, a settlement ensuring security for
all states, for all peoples of the area. The Soviet Union and Cuba stress
most emphatically that this presupposes complete withdrawal of Israeli
troops from all the Arab territories occupied in 1967 and ensurance of the
legitimate rights of the Arab people of Palestine. Otherwise, the situation
in the Middle East will remain explosive as before.

The Soviet Union and Cuba are deeply satisfied to note that concerted
actions by the countries of the socialist community lead to ever more
considerable changes toward detente and establishment of peaceful
cooperation in Europe.

This meets the interests of all the European peoples, the peoples of the
other continents and the cause of world socialism.

One important common gain of the socialist states was the final termination
of the blockade or the GDR, which was organized by the imperialist forces.
The recognition of the German Democratic Republic, the first German state
of workers and peasants, on the basis of international law has become an
indisputable fact. The recent treaty between Czechoslovakia and the FRG
sets the seal on the liquidation of the disgraceful Munich diktat.

The Soviet Union and Cuba consider it very important for the cause of world
peace that the conference on security and cooperation in Europe which is
called upon to lay a stronger foundation for the development of relations
of peaceful coexistence and cooperation between all European states--should
be brought to successful conclusion, Given good will on the part of all
participants, this conference can and must end with the adoption of
important decisions that would direct European developments into a reliable
channel of peace and cooperation. Concrete decisions on troops and force
reductions in central Europe, now being negotiated in Vienna, may also mark
a new useful step in the same direction. [Moscow Domestic Service at 1930
GMT 4 February begins foregoing sentence: Concrete decisions on troop and
armaments reductions....]

Ensurance of a lasting peace and stable good neighborly relations between
all Asian states would also mark an important advance toward a stronger
peace on the globe. Therefore the Republic of Cuba shares the Soviet
Union's concern and supports its efforts in the foreign policy field to
create collective security in Asia.

Favourable changes in international relations are taking place in the
conditions of continued struggle between the two social systems.

The nature of imperialism has not changed and aggressive and reactionary
forces are still active in the world, opposing international detente,
advocating a further step up in the arms race and trying to sow distrust
and discord among the peoples.

It is precisely under the influence of these forces that a practical
solution of a number of pressing problems is being delayed, artificial
obstacles raised at the all-European conference and at the talks in Vienna
and "conditions "--which are nothing else but an attempt to interfere in
the internal affairs of socialist countries--invented. Opponents of detente
and advocates of a return to the cold war are becoming more active in the
United States. At present they are concentrating on attempts to thwart the
beginning normalisation of Soviet-American relations, normalisation which
represents an important part of the general process of relaxation of war
danger and the development of peaceful equitable cooperation among states.

The Soviet Union and Cuba, loyal as they are to the Leninist principle of
peaceful coexistence, condemn any attempts by the aggressive and
reactionary forces to push mankind once again to an exacerbation of
international tension and brinkmanship. [Moscow Domestic Service at 0001
GMT 5 February inserts the adverb "resolutely" before the verb "condemn" in
the foregoing sentence.]

The Soviet Union and Cuba want the principles of equality, respect for
sovereignty and territorial integrity, renunciation of the use of force or
threat of force to be firmly established in relations between states in
Latin America and in other regions of the world. The USSR and Cuba strongly
condemn the imperialist policy of interference in the affairs of the
peoples of Latin America.

The Soviet Union resolutely demands an end to the economic and political
blockade and other hostile actions taken against socialist Cuba. It
reiterates that it considers the demand of the Republic of Cuba for the
unconditional removal of the American Guantanamo Naval Base in its
territory as lawful and just and fully backs this demand.

The USSR and Cuba wrathfully condemn the mass terror, persecution and
executions of patriots practiced by the fascist military junta in Chile.
They declare full solidarity with the Chilean patriots who are fighting
against the bloody reactionary dictatorship. The Soviet and the Cuban
peoples, in common with all progressive forces in the world, demand freedom
for Comrade Luis Corvalan and other victims of the junta's terror and
demand an immediate end to the bloodshed and arbitrary actions.

A temporary setback will not weaken the will of the Chilean people to fight
for genuine independence and democracy.

The Soviet Union and Cuba, which are loyal to the principles of proletarian
internationalism reaffirm their ardent solidarity with the peoples of Latin
America which are waging just struggle for national liberation, for
stronger political and economic independence and social progress.

The USSR and Cuba welcome the development and strengthening of ties between
Latin American states and the socialist countries. They are convinced that
a more active participation of independent Latin American countries in
international life will constitute an important contribution to the cause
of peace and cooperation among states.

The non-alignment movement has come to play an important part in world
politics in recent years. The USSR and Cuba set great store by the
anti-imperialist slant of the policy of non-aligned countries, their desire
to promote international detente and strengthen world peace. In this
respect the two sides attach due importance to the decisions of the 4th
non-aligned summit conference held in Algiers.

Expressing the solidarity of the peoples of the Soviet Union and Cuba with
the peoples of Asia and Africa who are fighting for freedom and
independence, the CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba say:

--The disgraceful system of colonialism in any form or manifestations must
be abolished once and for all. The U.N. decision on the granting of
independence to colonial countries and peoples must be fully carried out.

--The peoples of Angola and Mozambique have every right to solidarity for
all the freedom-loving forces in their just struggle for freedom and

--It is the duty of all sincere supporters of progress and democracy to
give full support to the struggle of the peoples of Namibia, Zimbabwe and
South Africa against racist regimes.

--The young republic of Guinea-Bissau, which is fighting to strengthen its
independence, should be given wide recognition on the basis of
international law.

The Soviet Union and Cuba come out consistently and undeviatingly for the
termination of the arms race that was imposed by military circles, and for
general and complete disarmament covering both nuclear and conventional

The world conference on disarmament is to play an important part in this
respect. The time has come to begin practical preparations for such a

In conditions when the nuclear arms race has not yet been stopped it is
very important to have all states undertake not to use force in
international relations and simultaneously ban forever the use of nuclear
weapons. It is gratifying that the Soviet proposal aimed at achieving this
goal was accepted by the 27th session of the U.N. General Assembly.

The CPSU and the Communist Party of Cuba, the Soviet Union and the Republic
of Cuba are determined, together with other fraternal countries and
parties, to work for further positive changes in the international
Situation and for making them irreversible. It is in the interests of the
peoples that detente should be consolidated by concrete steps to develop
peaceful mutually beneficial cooperation among states.


Soviet-Cuban Friendship Is Strong and Inviolable.

The Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of Cuba
which are united by commonly held aims and views, and their unshakable
loyalty to Marxism-Leninism and socialist internationalism, will continue
to do everything necessary to deepen all-round Soviet-Cuban cooperation to
the good of the peoples of both countries, the socialist community, the
cause of peace and communism.

General Secretary of the Central   First Secretary of the Central Committee
Committee of the Communist Party   of the Communist Party of Cuba, Prime
of the Soviet Union L. Brezhnev    Minister of the Revolutionary Government
of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro Ruz

Havana, February 1, 1974