Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC

Plenum Closing Reported

FL1607184588 Havana Tele-Rebelde Network in Spanish 1700 GMT 16 Jul 88

[Excerpts]  The seventh plenum of the PCC Central Committee ended in the
early morning hours today.  The closing speech was made by Commander in
Chief Fidel Castro.  [passage omitted]

The Central Committee plenum continued with the report of Fishing Industry.
Minister Jorge Fernandez Cuervo.  [passage omitted]  Comparing the large
currency investment proposed for a high seas fishing fleet and the results
a modes investment could yield in breeding stations.  Comrade Fidel noted
the need to give more thought to where and how the country invests its
resources.  Comrade in Chief Fidel Castro noted that on investment matters,
the country cannot think at the level of ministries but at a national
level.  He added that this demands centralized decisions based on objective
criteria and solidly based comparisons to see what brings better yields and
what is more convenient.

The report by Communications Minister Manuel Castillo Rabasa focused on the
topic of telephones, considered an especially critical situation in Havana.
To solve the problems of deteriorating old telephone stations in the
capital and the poor condition of networks, the participants of the meeting
were told a program is being carried out which includes the installation of
new lines and cables with projections until the year 2000.  This will
facilitate the development of domestic industries for the production of
cables, equipment, and other components.  [passage omitted]

Higher Education Minister Fernando Vecino Alegret then gave a detailed
explanation on the work to improve university teaching, especially the link
between study and productive activities, the establishment of broad profile
specialties, scientific research, and the preparation of the new study

Finally, Justice Minister Juan Escalona informed the plenum on the results
of the implementation of the new penal code.  He understood the positive
effect this has had, since it has considerably reduced the penal
population, freed tribunals of the burden of an excessive number of cases
related to incidents which are not considered crimes, and, above all,
allowed authorities to concentrate the man weight of their forces in the
strong and unyielding struggle against true criminals.

At the end of the meeting, Fidel briefed the plenum on the evolution of the
military situation on Angola's southern front and the present state of the
quadripatite negotiations.