Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC

Castro Discusses Havana City Projects
Havana Tele-Rebelde Network
BRS Assigned Document Number:    000014285
Report Type:         Daily Report             AFS Number:     FL1907180089
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-89-138          Report Date:    20 Jul 89
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     2
Report Division:     CARIBBEAN                End Page:       3
Report Subdivision:  Cuba                     AG File Flag:   
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       Spanish
Document Date:       19 Jul 89
Report Volume:       Thursday Vol VI No 138


City/Source of Document:   Havana Tele-Rebelde Network

Report Name:   Latin America

Headline:   Castro Discusses Havana City Projects

Source Line:   FL1907180089 Havana Tele-Rebelde Network in Spanish 1119 GMT 19
Jul 89

1.  [Text] The final session of the National Assembly [of the People's
Government, ANPP] ended on a very encouraging note when, at the request of
Fidel, the provincial presidents of the People's Government of Pinar del Rio,
Santiago de Cuba, Havana, and Havana City [passage indistinct] reported on the
economic and social development projects of their respective provinces and on
the stages that those projects are in. We can say that the results are already
noteworthy, if you consider all the projects in the country as viable proof
that the process of rectification of errors and negative tendencies is bearing
its fruits with the active participation of our workers and leaders.

2.  [Begin recording] [Castro] I think the provinces have a lot to say, because
a lot of work is being done in all of them. I do not know of a province where a
great effort is not being made today. If we think about Pinar del Rio, we can
see that there is an enormous effort being made in many areas. If we go to
Matanzas Province, there you can see a great effort being made. In Havana City,
there is also a great effort being made. Havana Province [rephrases] The two
provinces... [does not complete sentence] Also in Matanzas, there are many
areas in which work is being done, such as tourism projects. Villa Clara,
Cienfuegos, Sancti Spiritus... [does not complete sentence] I was recently in
Sancti Spiritus and the truth is that they are carrying out a colossal effort
there. In all, many areas, this kind of effort is being made.

3.  [Unidentified speaker No 1] We would also like to begin this year, and
thrust forward, another liquid fodder plant in the area of Contramaestre. This
will allow us to supply liquid fodder to the porcine center we are working on
in the [name indistinct] area. We would also like to build this year, or next
year, another plant in the area of (Mella), Palma. That means there would be
four plants for.... [changes thought] With the [word indistinct] and other
sugarcane by-products that we can use for food, in addition to using all the
wastes of the province, we can help support the meat production plan you
proposed to us for Santiago de Cuba.

4.  [Pedro Chavez Gonzalez, president of Havana City Provincial Assembly] Well,
as it is known, the city is involved a whole program for social and housing
projects. The projects have been prioritized and the minibrigade movement--the
recently revitalized minibrigade movement--is the one doing this work. As it
was explained yesterday, if you add the minibrigades and the support groups
together, we have over 35,000 comrades involved in the minibrigade movement.
Presently, we have prioritized and are basically involved in the completion of
special education schools and polyclinics. For this year, we have scheduled the
completion of 12 polyclinics and 20 special education schools. We have already
completed some of the polyclinics on the schedule, and we still have 11 more to
finish. Tomorrow, we are going to inaugurate some of the ones we have
finished--there were five which still needed to be inaugurated. We also have a
plan for the schools....

5.  [Castro, interrupting] Chavez, are there five or six?

6.  [Chavez] Six, that is right, six will be inaugurated. Right now, we have
also prioritized all the.... [changes thought] We are working on obtaining and
finishing the prefabricated units to ensure that by August all the schools are
already mounted. Therefore, between September and December, we can work on
fulfilling this important commitment of 24 special education schools in our
capital.  This commitment is an answer to a very humane and sensitive need;
that is the kind of education this is. As for the case of the polyclinics,
which we are also determined to finish them, we have put forth a great effort.
Recently, we visited each one of those places. All the human resources are
already there, and all the measures have been taken to ensure that this plan is

7.  [Castro] You could also mention the research centers-- what they are doing,
how they are working, what they are working on. It must also be noted that the
capital is a producer of professionals. There are many enterprises; there is a
lot of intellectual, scientific work in the capital.  I think that is the kind
of work we should thrust forward here, in the city. There are many factories.
Chavez has not mentioned, of course, the industrial investment plans. There are
so many things in the capital that, actually, it is not the same as in the
province. There is also Santiago, Camaguey. [Words indistinct] when the
provinces report, they also report about their industrial investments. There
are many of those investments still being made here. There are investments in
scientific research centers. These are important things that are being done
here. There are important programs such as those of physical therapy in all the
polyclinics. These 20 new polyclinics have a physical therapy room, and therapy
rooms are also being added to all the other clinics. There are all these social
programs, such as the clubs, the grandparents club, where they exercise, and so
on. The capital is a whole world. I think that many things are being
accomplished in the capital. It is also the area of the Republic which is the
most difficult, complex, and with more problems.

8.  However, what Pupi [not further identified] said yesterday is very
encouraging. The theory holds true, the one that Araceli [not further
identified] was talking about, in which she said that the fight against crime
begins in the child care centers, as well as with the change of all these
social conditions. It is also admirable that they [not further identified] have
a .05 percent absenteeism rate. It is a noteworthy rate, considering that it is
not an 8-hour job, but rather a 10-, 12-, 13-, and 14-hour job. It is
noteworthy that this man [not further identified], who was thought to be of the
dangerous type, or something like that, is about to join the party. It is also
formidable that, in Guinera, the chief of that large female contingent, has a
table at the cafeteria to teach people table manners.

9.  I am certain that when we eradicate all those unhealthy neighborhoods, and
if we do it with these methods, we will have results. Like I was telling some
comrades: It will give us results. If we provide the land, equipment,
materials, projects, and we pay them to build their own homes, that will have
to give us results. [end recording]

10.  In all the provinces, an arduous effort in construction activities is
evident, that is why a large number of completed projects have been reported at
this meeting. It is necessary to mention some of those projects, such as
housing units, hospitals, child care centers, dams, canals, and the projects of
the Turquino Plan. As the meeting has shown in one of its segments, the
fundamentals for future development are being established.

11.  [Begin Castro recording] However, I think that our transportation cannot
be guaranteed until our automobile industry is well developed, and we are
working quickly and hard to attain that level. We are already finishing the
blocks [as heard] factory in La Lisa. We are thinking about a fuel injectors
factory, and about all its complimentary industries. The people of Guanajay
have also made a tremendous effort.

12.  We must continue developing our automobile industry which is very
important for us. [end recording]