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President Castro Discusses Future of Chile
Havana Cubavision Television
BRS Assigned Document Number:    000018471
Report Type:         Daily Report             AFS Number:     PA1909023389
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-89-180          Report Date:    19 Sep 89
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     1
Report Division:     CARIBBEAN                End Page:       3
Report Subdivision:  Cuba                     AG File Flag:   
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       Spanish
Document Date:       15 Sep 89
Report Volume:       Tuesday Vol VI No 180


City/Source of Document:   Havana Cubavision Television

Report Name:   Latin America

Headline:   President Castro Discusses Future of Chile

Author(s):   Fidel Castro Ruz, president of the Cuban Councils of State and of
Ministers , at a ceremony in solidarity with Chile in Havana on 11
September-- recorded]

Source Line:   PA1909023389 Havana Cubavision Television in Spanish 0030 GMT 15
Sep 89

Subslug:   [Speech by Fidel Castro Ruz, president of the Cuban Councils of
State and of Ministers, at a ceremony in solidarity with Chile in
Havana on 11 September-- recorded]

1.  [Speech by Fidel Castro Ruz, president of the Cuban Councils of State and
of Ministers, at a ceremony in solidarity with Chile in Havana on 11
September-- recorded]

2.  [Text] Dear Chilean brothers, I did not know that it would be a big event.
I thought it would be a simple ceremony and that a house would be inaugurated,
so I came discreetly. Anyway, [words indistinct] because everything had been
organized and [words indistinct] said nothing [words indistinct] would have
been a lack of courtesy on my part.

3.  By coincidence, today [words indistinct] honoring President Allende and
inaugurating--like it was reported-- an important medical installation that
will be named after Salvador Allende. We will also inaugurate a pediatric
intensive care unit that is undoubtedly one of the most important in the
country and Latin America. The project was recently completed and we decided to
inaugurate it today. We had everything planned and then I was told about this
other inauguration [crowd laughs]. I was told what kind of ceremony it was and
that it would be held at 1700. I said: That is when we are supposed to be at
the other event!

4.  Well, it was a matter of coordinating things [words indistinct] after
finishing here, in case any of you wanted to participate in the other event. We
decided to postpone the ceremony at the Allende medical installation from
1800--because if we did not postpone it there would not have been enough time
and everyone would have been in a rush--until 1900. I believe many of you are
going to attend that event.

5.  It has been truly moving for me [words indistinct] the words with which I
can express the feelings I have experienced here this afternoon. It was
extremely moving to unveil that [word indistinct], not only the bust, but also
the [word indistinct]. I asked how many Chileans had died here. I was told that
39 Chileans had died here over these years, all these years. I was thinking
about those Chilean compatriots--because they are our compatriots--[applause]
whose remains rest in our homeland. The remains of some of those Chileans may
have been taken to the country where they were born and probably many others
will also be taken there.

6.  I have also thought about the meaning of the fact that many Chileans chose
to live in our country. The Chilean cause had so much sympathy, support, and
solidarity that the doors of many countries were opened for the exiled Chilean
people, including the doors of so-called Third World countries, developed
countries, wealthy countries, and some very wealthy countries.

7.  Many Chileans, however, chose to live in our homeland.  They knew that we
are neither a developed nor a wealthy country.

8.  We were a working country faced with difficulties and problems, waving the
revolutions' banners high in response to the northern colossus. We were
struggling against the objective difficulties faced by the immense majority of
Third World countries. It was not a petroleum-producing country of
super-abundant resources. I could say the Chileans were about to become a
working country, a revolutionary country, a country with very deep sentiment
concerning the Chilean cause. I will not say that it was the country with the
deepest sentiment, but I would dare to say that its sentiment was as deep as

9.  That is why the Chileans who chose to live in our fatherland truly honored
us by choosing to live among us. I know what the lives of the Chilean exiles
have been like in many places, in better places and in worse places.  However,
none of you thought or took into consideration that you could be better off in
another country, and you chose our country. That is why I do not consider this
just another opportunity to practice internationalism. The Cuban people feel
the Chilean tragedy the way any Chilean feels it. The Cuban people unanimously
condemned the coup, the massacre, and the crimes that we will never forget. The
Cubans condemned the atrocious procedure of causing people to disappear, and
condemned the ferocious attack inside the presidential palace, where Comrade
Allende wrote one of the most beautiful and heroic pages of American history.
Allende gave us a legacy of bravery, he gave us an example of dignity, which is
like a seed planted in a moment that eventually grows into a gigantic tree.

10.  That example, that symbol that Allende became, has been with us in our
struggles throughout these years.  Cuba, my Chilean friends, welcomed all of
you with open arms. We offered a special welcome to the men and women of Chile;
we did not open our country's doors to just one, two, or three parties. We
opened our doors to all Chileans without distinction. We have cooperated with
all of you, we have worked with all of you.

11.  Now that we recall those Chilean brothers whose remains rest in our
homeland, we must also recall many other brothers, dozens and dozens of
brothers who passed by, lived, and in our country prepared to return to their
homeland. Many of those brothers lost their lives in their struggle.

12.  Let us also recall all those Chileans who already returned to their
country. Our universities and schools were available to all Chileans. Many of
them became doctors, technicians, and military men. They received an education
and prepared themselves. That is very important. I say that preparation is very
important, because history could not repeat itself ever again.

13.  Undoubtedly, that 20 November took the Chilean people by surprise and
without any preparation to defend themselves. I am not sure if there was a
single Chilean cadre at that time. I am not sure whether the country was
prepared to effectively construct defenses for the Chilean institutions at that

14.  I believe that many have been preparing themselves during the last years.
Whatever course history may take in the future, we know that hundreds upon
hundreds have prepared themselves, and we know that in their wisdom the Chilean
people will not allow such a sad history to be repeated, (?be whenever it may).

15.  We have not sown in the desert or plowed at sea. These past 16 years
represent an experience whose value is virtually impossible to assess. It is
clear that important steps forward have been taken. It is clear that the
plebiscite was unquestionably a step forward. I remember the day we unveiled
Allende's bust at the hospital. I expressed the certainty that the Chilean
people would vote against Pinochet, despite Pinochet's resources, and the
psychological warfare and terrorist methods that were used to intimidate the
masses. It would be impossible (?for a people) to forget the many crimes and
monstrosities that have been committed. It is impossible.

16.  In effect, the plebiscite was a harsh blow for Pinochet. I also think that
the elections will be an extremely harsh blow, perhaps an irreversible blow, to
Pinochet. However, it is a fact that nobody can assert here that Pinochet's
defeat in the election will be the solution to the problem of the dictatorship
in Chile. I am not talking about a revolution. I think it would be unnecessary. 
There would be no sense in talking here about a revolution [word indistinct] a
stage above the democratic opening. We are talking about a democratic opening,
but the electoral victory does not entail a solid democratic opening yet.
However, in our opinion it will undoubtedly represent another very important
step forward.

17.  Pinochet will try to stay on as head of the Army and as head of the Armed
Forces. We could almost say that he will stay on as a sort of sentinel, a power
on which the country's destiny would continue to hang for some time to come.
Whether he can really fulfill the goals he has set for himself remains to be
seen. However, I am certain he will not give up power without a struggle. Only
the Chilean people can make this an irreversible struggle to achieve a true and
full democratic opening, an opening without all of the limitations that the
regime has written into its Constitution, which grants him all of these
rights--to be a senator for life, and, if my memory does not fail me, to serve
as chief of the Army for an additional 8 years. Look at his harangues. His
harangues are still aggressive, haughty, and threatening. We hear warnings. We
hear appeals to the Army to remain united, because he will undoubtedly try to
perpetuate himself.

18.  I think he will be more and more cornered by the Chilean people, because a
new stage will begin after the elections.  It is inevitable that the people
will participate to a much greater extent. They will inevitably have a much
greater possibility of expressing themselves, of acting, of mobilizing, of
thinking about what is essential at the moment and not about shares of power. I
think they have to be...[changes thought] that this is really an admirable test
of patriotic and revolutionary feeling for those who are not rightists, for
those who are not conservatives, for those who are not even in the center but
on the left, and well to the left: to go to the polls and to vote, forgetting
which party it was that put forward the candidate for president, or what the
candidate's political thinking is, just thinking of Chile, only thinking of

19.  I know what I would do if I were in such a situation. I would forget the
party, I would forget myself, and only think of Chile. Not the Chile of today,
or the Chile of after the elections. I would think of the Chile of tomorrow,
the Chile of the future, the Chile where true democracy, social justice,
equality, and opportunity exist for all. I do believe that anything that helps
to [word indistinct] the way, anything that helps to sweep away Pinochet, will
today help to construct the Chile of the future. I was not mistaken when I said
that Pinochet was going to be defeated at the plebiscite. I am not mistaken
when I state here, with assurance, that he is going to be widely defeated in
the elections. I am also not mistaken when I state, with deep conviction, that
this Chile, the great Chile of tomorrow, will sooner or later become a reality.

20.  I say this because of the opinion I have formed about the Chilean people.
My opinion is not only based on the love I have for the Chilean people, but
also on the admiration I feel for them. My evaluation is based on what I have
learned from these heroic people during these past years.  I think of Chilean
workers, students, and intellectuals who have to know what they are going to do
and how to act during these decisive months, or perhaps years.  During this
time their capacity for struggle [word indistinct] and talent will be tested.

21.  We will see what will happen after the election. We will see what will
happen when people start to express themselves. We will see what will happen
when the duality of power occurs. The duality of a civilian president and his
Cabinet on one side and Pinochet commanding the Armed Forces on the other is
hardly conceivable. However, the winds of these times are blowing very hard
against Pinochet. I am sure that there is no possibility that he will stop
people when they start to actively and increasingly participate in the national

22.  These are my points of view and I like to give them. I am no prophet, but
I dare give my opinions and... [interrupted by applause] I give them on the
grounds of my very deep convictions.

23.  When I arrived here, I was told there are approximately 600 Chileans at
Fidel neighborhood in Cuba. About 100 Chileans have returned [to Chile].
However, the most important settlement is in Havana. I have also been thinking
about other human problems. I was thinking that I am seeing here almost two
generations. I am even seeing some pioneers in this ceremony, and a [words
indistinct] that rather seems a mixture of blood between Chileans and Cubans.
Before, it would not have been right to speak strictly about blood links,
because we have agreed we are all of the same blood. [applause] This blood was
brought together in times of peace and solidarity; people were willing to shed
their blood on that 11 September. Some of our comrades were willing to give
their lives there [in Chile]. It was precisely Salvador Allende who made the
decisions and issued the corresponding orders to prevent the blood of a single
Cuban from being shed.

24.  Now that I am seeing these new generations, I think that over the past 16
years a number of children from Chilean couples, as well as children of
Chilean-Cuban couples must have been born in Cuba. So, I say: Well, this is
history. [crowd laughs] I am sure that in the future there will be problems of
marriages coming and going, or that a daughter is leaving, or a son is coming
here. I can already hear some of these things.

25.  You should know that you will have all our cooperation so that families
remain united. If, because of any circumstances, families are separated, links
between parents and children should always be maintained. Therefore, as far as
Cuba is concerned, you have all facilities, all facilities [applause]...for
those who want to leave, for those who want to come, for those who want to live
in Chile, for those who want to live in Cuba, regardless of the reason. We must
make a reality the statement by a comrade who said that Cuba was like his
second fatherland. This must be a reality. This fatherland must grant these
individuals all the rights a true fatherland grants to any of its children
[words indistinct], who will of course develop in a fully normal manner.

26.  I was told that some [Chileans], for some reason, will want to remain
here; others will want to return. I believe these 16 years have served not only
to gain great historical and political experiences, but also to strengthen our
friendship, and to further strengthen our sisterhood. We are like two branches
of the same tree. You have made great contributions to the growth and
development of this tree and these branches. Therefore, we can talk about two
periods--before the 16th, before the 11th [corrects himself], before and after
11 September. Before the 16 years of Pinochet, and after the 16 years of
Pinochet. Let us hope he will not get to the 17th year [words indistinct].

27.  This is a beautiful story; a story that is dear to all of us.  Pelayo
rightfully said that the Chilean people can always count on our full
cooperation and support as it has the case for the past 16 years.

28.  You can count on us--if not as Chile's best friend among all world
peoples--as one of Chile's best friends among all the world peoples. [applause]

29.  Viva Chile! [crowd answers: Viva!] Viva Cuba! [crowd answers: Viva!] Viva
our America! [crowd answers: Viva!] Fatherland or death! We will win! [crowd
answers: We will win!] [applause]