Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC

Dailies Publish `Version' of Castro Award Speech
Havana Tele Rebelde Network
BRS Assigned Document Number:    000016004
Report Type:         Daily Report             AFS Number:     FL1209134190
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-90-178          Report Date:    13 Sep 90
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     2
Report Division:     CARIBBEAN                End Page:       2
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       Spanish
Document Date:       12 Sep 90
Report Volume:       Thursday Vol VI No 178


City/Source of Document:   Havana Tele Rebelde Network

Report Name:   Latin America

Headline:   Dailies Publish `Version' of Castro Award Speech

Subheadline:   Great Efforts To Face Difficulties

Source Line:   FL1209134190 Havana Tele Rebelde Network in Spanish 1235 GMT 12
Sep 90

1.  [Text] Upon receiving in the Palace of the Revolution the insignias that
accredit him with an honorary doctorate from the San Marcos University of
Higher Education of Peru, Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, first secretary of
the Communist Party of Cuba and president of the Councils of State and
Ministers, expressed his appreciation for the Peruvian delegation's visit to
our country to present him with the award.

2.  I think that all comrades are able to appreciate the value of your gesture,
especially considering the times in which we live, the commander in chief said.

3.  After analyzing what is in store for Latin American economies which are
burdened by a gigantic foreign debt in the hundreds of thousands dollars, Fidel
added that Cuba today is making its greatest efforts to confront its
difficulties and he cited as an example the case of agriculture, a sector that
is implementing a true technological revolution which will double, and in some
cases even triple, production per hectare.

4.  The Cuban president stressed that we are currently more blockaded than
before, especially now that economic relations with East European countries
have practically disappeared. No one can guarantee the conditions under which
we will receive oil in the future, he stressed, or what prices we will get for
our products and at what prices others will sell their products to us. Added to
these circumstances is the Arab-Persian Gulf crisis which has caused oil prices
to almost double, the commander in chief said. He also reiterated that we will
never be discouraged and that we are preparing to confront these difficulties,
no matter how big they are, without having to sacrifice development. It is
possible, he said, that we will have to start anew in many areas. It is
possible that we will face hard times, which is what he calls returning to the
Sierra Maestra, figuratively speaking. We are also preparing to mobilize the
necessary forces where they will be most useful and, he said, if we have to
make do with one-and-one-half or one ton of cement instead of 4 million tons,
we will designate that ton to the areas that pertain to the country's

5.  In this regard, Fidel said, when there are extra personnel, we will try to
use them in indispensable activities and if we still have extra personnel, we
will increase the citizen's free time so that he can rest, read, and improve
himself, which is something a capitalist society cannot do.