Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC

Castro Closes Eighth National Assembly Session
Havana Radio Reloj Network
BRS Assigned Document Number:    000022622
Report Type:         Daily Report             AFS Number:     FL2912134490
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-90-251          Report Date:    31 Dec 90
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     10
Report Division:     CARIBBEAN                End Page:       10
Report Subdivision:  Cuba                     AG File Flag:   
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       Spanish
Document Date:       29 Dec 90
Report Volume:       Monday Vol VI No 251


City/Source of Document:   Havana Radio Reloj Network

Report Name:   Latin America

Headline:   Castro Closes Eighth National Assembly Session

Subheadline:   Attends Youth Rally

Source Line:   FL2912134490 Havana Radio Reloj Network in Spanish 1232 GMT 29
Dec 90

1.  [Text] Our enemies are hopeful and believe that Radio Reloj's sign-on will
announce at any time the end of Cuban socialism, the collapse of the social
system, and the crumbling of our ideas. We have to tell them loudly and
clearly: Do not be so hopeful because you will be disappointed. This was said
by Roberto Robaina, first secretary of the Union of Young Communists [UJC].

2.  During the main Cuba Goes [Cuba Va] event held in the capital, he added
that this country and its youths will never allow the people who like comfort
to live off creative workers and that nobody has the right to enjoy what he has
not helped create.

3.  Referring to the Eastern European countries, Robaina said the worst mistake
they have made is to go back to the past. He characterized socialism as the
most beautiful dream humanity has ever been able to conceive.

4.  Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, first secretary of the Communist Party of
Cuba Central Committee and president of the Councils of State and Ministers,
presided over the main UJC event, called Cuba Goes, to mark the triumph of the
revolution with its 32 [years] and movin' on, which took place at the
Pan-American Games installations in Habana del Este.

5.  UJC President Robaina, making the closing remarks at the grand event,
stated that in the future's path, no matter how tough the weeds are, the
revolution can count on the machete the Cuban youths carry in their hands. He
said: We will make the stars that refuse to shine come out; either that or it
will not be necessary because we will shine like them, because no matter what,
Cuba goes.

6.  Robaina asserted that youth leaders have to be special to be able to lead
special young men and women during the special period. He said the example,
life itself, is the best theory and practice.

7.  At the facilities for the Pan-American Games located in Habana del Este,
tens of thousands of people dressed in the Cuban colors sang along with the
performers who attended the political rally and concert called Cuba Goes, even
if each one of us has to clear the jungle with our bare hands.