Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC

Castro Opens National Moncada Barracks Ceremony
BRS Assigned Document Number:    000011603
Report Type:         Daily Report             AFS Number:     FL2707000991
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-91-146          Report Date:    30 Jul 91
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     1
Report Division:     CARIBBEAN                End Page:       1
Report Subdivision:  Cuba                     AG File Flag:   
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       
Report Volume:       Tuesday Vol VI No 146


Report Name:   Latin America

Headline:   Castro Opens National Moncada Barracks Ceremony

Source Line:   FL2707000991

1.  [Editorial Report] Havana Radio and Television Networks in Spanish at 2255
GMT on 26 July begin live coverage of the central national ceremony
commemorating the 38th anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks.

2.  The ceremony opens with Fidel Castro and Nelson Mandela standing together
on the platform. The Cuban national anthem is played. Manolo Ortega, master of
ceremonies, greets the people of Mantanzas and of Cuba.  He notes the presence
of honored guest, Nelson Mandela. The crowd applauds. He notes the presence of
other honored international guests and diplomats accredited to Havana. He notes
the arrival of a brigade of polytechnic students by bicycle who have ridden to
Mantanzas from Santiago de Cuba. A representative of the youth brigade presents
a banner to Fidel Castro. Fidel then presents several provincial enterprises
with awards for over-fulfillment of the annual production quota.

3.  Ortega introduces Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, vice president of the State
Council and member of the Communist Party of Cuba Politboro, to present a State
Council resolution. He reads the resolution which cites Nelson Mandela as the
foremost freedom fighter against the racist regime of apartheid, and expresses
Cuban rejoicing over the visit of Nelson Mandela. He notes Mandela's 27 years
in prison, and explains that Mandela, from being the accused, has become the
accuser in his fight for justice. He points out that Mandela chose to remain in
prison rather than accept compromise with injustice. Today Mandela leads the
African National Congress [ANC] with wisdom and patience. Therefore, in this
decisive hour in Cuba, Cuba takes as a model the heroic attitude of Nelson
Mandela as a representative of the highest attributes and characteristics. He
points out that Jose Marti suffered imprisonment at 16 years of age. 
Therefore, the State Council of Cuba awards the Jose Marti Order to Comrade
Nelson Mandela and requests that the insignia be awarded by State Council
President Fidel Castro at the central ceremony commemorating the Moncada
Barracks attack.

4.  Fidel Castro and Nelson Mandela step to the front of the stage and Fidel
pins the insignia of the Jose Marti Order on Nelson Mandela.

5.  Ortega announces that the first speaker will be Comrade Nelson Mandela.
Mandela begins speaking in English.  His speech is translated into Spanish.
Eventually, Mandela quits speaking and the translator reads the bulk of his
speech in Spanish without Mandela saying it in English. Mandela greets Comrade
Fidel Castro, the Cuban people, and especially Cuban internationalists ``who
have done so much to free our continent.'' He notes the importance of July 26
and the role of Cuban internationalism, especially in Africa.

6.  ``The people of Cuba hold a very special place in the hearts of the African
people.'' He notes the ``imperialist campaign to destroy the gains of the Cuban
Revolution.'' He expresses admiration for Cuban advances in science, education,
literacy, medicine, and culture. He cites the ``systematic eradication of
racism'' in Cuba, and predicts that ``the resilient people of Cuba will
overcome their difficulties as they have helped other countries overcome

7.  He expresses great admiration for Jose Marti and Ernesto Che Guevara. ``The
life of Che is a great inspiration for every person who loves liberty.'' He
says that Africans are used to being victims of foreign countries, but there
has never been another case of a foreign country coming to defend Africans. He
points out that the Cuban-assisted defeat of the ``racist army'' in Cuito,
Cuanavale, made freedom possible in Angola, in Namibia, and destroyed the myth
of white racist invincibility. He says that the ANC has acquired the
characteristics of a mass organization. Mandela discusses his hopes for a
peaceful transfer of power in South Africa.  He points out ``the ANC is not a
communist party,'' but goes on to note the respect and cooperation between the
ANC and the South African Communist Party. He expresses deep appreciation for
the Jose Marti Award.  ``Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live Comrade
Fidel Castro.''

8.  Monolo Ortega introduces the main speaker Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.
The crowd chants and applauds.