Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC



Cavallo on Radicals' Victory in Senate Race

Report Type:         Daily report             AFS Number:     PY0207004092
Report Number:       FBIS-LAT-92-128          Report Date:    02 Jul 92
Report Series:       Daily Report             Start Page:     28
Report Division:     SOUTH AMERICA            End Page:       28
Report Subdivision:  Argentina                AG File Flag:   
Classification:      UNCLASSIFIED             Language:       English
Document Date:       01 Jul 92
Report Volume:       Thursday Vol VI No 128


City/Source of Document:   Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES HERALD 

Report Name:   Latin America 

Headline:   Cavallo on Radicals' Victory in Senate Race 

Source Line:   PY0207004092 Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES HERALD in English 1 Jul
92 p 11 

FULL TEXT OF ARTICLE: 1.  [Excerpt] (NA-DYN)-Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo
said yesterday that the landslide victory of opposition Radical Party candidate
Fernando de la Rua in last Sunday's [28 June] Federal Capital senatorial
election ``was intended by the voters as a warning to the government, and we
will consider it as such, but it is also a vote of warning for De la Rua and
the Radicals.'' 

2.  Cavallo said he did not feel frustration at the poor turnout for
progovernment candidate Avelino Porto.  ``I'm happy De la Rua has won. Now he
will have the chance to change the Radical Party, and that will benefit the
country,'' he explained. 

3.  During a brief conversation with the press after participating in a seminar
in this city the economy minister insisted that he had no ambitions to run for
the presidency in 1995.  ``I completely agree with President Carlos Menem when
he says that in order to govern the country one must be a politician, and I'm
an economist,'' Cavallo pointed out. 

4.  Cavallo blasted the General Labour Confederation top brass who had asked
for wage hikes during their meeting with government officials on Monday [29
June]. ``If they want bread they should go to the bakers not the government,''
he said. 

5.  Radical leaders Juan Manuel Casella and Enrique Olivera, Southern Front
senatorial candidate Fernando ``Pino'' Solanas and Group of Eight maverick
Peronist Deputy Carlos ``Chacho'' Alvarez agreed with Cavallo in considering
the result of the polls as a message to the government. 

6.  Casella said voters wanted more social justice, less corruption and a
stiffer control of the government's actions by Congress. He said that De la Rua
joined former President Raul Alfonsin and ex- presidential candidate Eduardo
Angeloz as strong contenders for becoming the party's candidate in the 1995
presidential elections. [passage omitted]