Daily Report
5 January 1994
`Exclusive' Interview With Castro
PY0301221594 Buenos Aires CLARIN in Spanish 2 Jan 94 pp 28,
Buenos Aires CLARIN
["Exclusive" interview with Cuban President Fidel Castro by
LA STAMPA reporter Jas Gawronski; place and date not given --
copyrighted by CLARIN]
[Text] [Gawronski] Cuba continues to speak about
"revolution" and "socialism" as if there had been no changes in
the rest of the world. Do these two words have the same meaning
they had, in your opinion, when you started your odyssey 35
years ago?
[Castro] No, they cannot have the same meaning. For two
reasons: First, at that time we had an ambitious program that
has to a considerable extent been implemented; second, the
international situation has undergone decisive changes. We,
however, remain committed to our ideals and to our social and
political objectives.
[Gawronski] But hasn't the fact that communism fell to
in the countries in which it was in power made you conclude that
something should also change in Cuba?
[Castro] I might say that communism destroyed itself, that
committed suicide in the USSR, and that it had no reason for
committing suicide. It was a big surprise, both to us and to you
in the Western world. All the values that were the foundations
of that great country were destroyed. A country that rendered
great service to mankind, because I believe the commitments
Lenin and the October Revolution assumed are extraordinary deeds
in mankind's history.
The USSR's role in the fight against fascism was crucial,
so was its role in the process of liberating old colonies. What
I mean to say is that if the world has changed, it is because of
the USSR's decisive contribution. I maintain that the USSR
should not have been destroyed but improved, and that socialism
should not have been destroyed but improved. But what was the
result? The current unipolar world is under U.S. domination. A
large sector of the world is suffering the consequences of this.
[Gawronski] But how did that happen? Do you believe
is to blame?
[Castro] No. Gorbachev spoke about socialism and about
socialism more socialist, about improving socialism, not about
destroying it. We should therefore wonder about the factors that
caused the destruction of socialism, and how is it that what
Hitler failed to achieve with hundreds of divisions and tens of
thousands of planes and tanks, happened without a war, without
armored divisions, planes, or tanks. Soviet leaders managed to
accomplish what Hitler could not do.
[Gawronski] What are the current consequences of all this
[Castro] The disappearance of the socialist bloc has been a
hard blow to us. Against the U.S. blockade we had been able to
benefit from trade with socialist countries, which served as the
basis for the development of our economy. The blockade is still
in effect today but the basis has vanished, and we are being put
to one of the toughest tests ever known in the modern era.
However, our decision to keep our ideals has not weakened.
Everything shows that it was an insult to Cuba to say that we
were a satellite of the Soviet Union. We have demonstrated that
we were not a satellite but a star shining in its own light.
Moreover, although it is true that the Soviet Union has
destroyed itself, that did not happen with China nor with
Vietnam. Much has been said on the disappearance of socialism in
the Soviet Union, but why does no one say anything about Chinese
[Gawronski] Do you think China is an example that must be
[Castro] It is an experiment that must be studied. The
Chinese themselves say that no one should automatically imitate
what others are doing. They criticize themselves for
mechanically applying the Soviet experience during its first
But if you want to talk about socialism, let us not forget
what socialism achieved in China. At one time it was the land of
hunger, poverty, disasters. Today there is none of that. Today
China can feed, dress, educate, and care for the health of 1.2
billion people.
[Gawronski] But although China has maintained a socialist
political system, it is trying to modify its economy. On the
other hand, Cuba seems to be still solidly socialist. Isn't it
difficult to keep being the only socialist nation when
everything else is changing?
[Castro] I think China is a socialist country, and Vietnam
a socialist nation as well. And they insist that they have
introduced all the necessary reforms in order to motivate
national development and to continue seeking the objectives of
socialism. There are no fully pure regimes or systems. In Cuba,
for instance, we have many forms of private property. We have
hundreds of thousands of farm owners. In some cases they own up
to 110 acres (some 150 hectares). In Europe they would be
considered large landholders. Practically all Cubans own their
own home and, what is more, we welcome foreign investment.
But that does not mean that Cuba has stopped being
What is evident is that we will never fall into the error of
destroying the country in order to begin something new.
[Gawronski] It could be said that in Cuba socialism has
always been identified with you personally. Have you ever
thought what will happen to socialism when you are no longer in
[Castro] I do not think socialism can be identified with me.
I did not make it up. Of course, individuals can have a decisive
role in a historical moment, but I have never thought socialism
could be identified with me. That would mean depriving those
theoreticians of socialism of such a great honor. An individual
by himself cannot achieve anything. Only a people can do it.
[Gawronski] Since you assumed power, you have had to deal
with eight U.S. presidents. Now there is Clinton, the first to
be younger than you. Things seem to be changing. Do you think
there will be a change in relations between the United States
and Cuba? Is there a possibility to improve current relations?
[Castro] Look, U.S. presidents are slaves to many things,
among them, electoral campaigns. During the course of their
campaigns they make statements and commitments, and Clinton,
unfortunately, had a hostile attitude toward Cuba. But they are
also totally different during the first term when they are very
careful about everything to be re-elected, and in the second
term they seem to have their hands less tied.
I am not going to defend Clinton. He is not my friend nor
foe. I am only trying to make an analysis that will allow me to
make an objective assessment of his personality. And I have
realized that he is very susceptible to pressures from the
right, the most conservative elements. In a given moment he
adopts a position and then changes as a result of pressure. What
is happening with him is the same that happened with Kennedy in
the beginning of his presidency. But I think he is still in the
process of acquiring experience.
Clinton is also conditioned to things he inherited from
Somalia, for instance. But there too a starving and disorganized
people have been able to oppose an invasion, and I think Clinton
has learned a lesson from that experience. He did not react
arrogantly with new acts of aggression, with new attacks. He
reacted in a courageous manner and with a cool mind.
[Gawronski] Are you trying to say that to improve relations
with the United States it will be necessary to wait until
Clinton is re-elected so he will no longer be conditioned to
those forces?
[Castro] No one can say what will happen tomorrow. For the
time being Clinton seems to be focusing on his electoral
promises and on his country's internal problems. Moreover, let
us be honest: This is a little country. We are not China, and I
do not think the United States is particularly concerned about
Cuba. The government has other problems it considers more
[Gawronski] Commander, to conclude, I would like to satisfy
personal curiosity. Why do you always wear your guerrilla
uniform? It has been a long time since the days of the Sierra
[Castro] These are my clothes. I have worn them throughout
life. They are comfortable and simple. They are cheap and they
are never out of fashion. I also have another suit, a more
formal one with a tie. But forgive me if I ask you a question:
When you interviewed the pope, did you ask him why he always
wears that white vestment?