Results of Electoral Observatory Exercise

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Percent Number
Not in Archive 13% 19
Dead Links 61% 91
Doesn't Cover Critical Period (of 129 sites) 36% 47
IN ARCHIVE: 87% 129
ACCESS PROBLEMS (of 129 sites in archive)
No Access to Content 9% 12
Limited Access to Content* 16% 20
Less Limited Access to Content** 36% 46
Total Content Imperfectly Able to Access 60% 78
1st level links with some type of hindrance 7% 9
2nd level links with some type of hindrance 20% 26
3rd level links with some type of hindrance 13% 17
4th level links with some type of hindrance 9% 11
5th level links with some type of hindrance 1% 1
Total link hindrances**** 50% 64
ACTIVE SITES (of 129 sites in the archive) % Active Total
1999 elections 35% 22 62
2000 elections 34% 14 41
2001 elections 44% 4 9
2002 elections 100% 17 17
Total Active Sites 44% 57 129
* Both graphic and link problems prevent any but limited access to site content
** allows for access problems with link and graphics but with most of content captured
*** of 66 sites with limited or less limited access
**** of the 66 sites with imperfect access, there are 2 sites with only graphic problems but not link problems