
Religions of the African Diaspora

  • Amaral, Rita de Cassia and Gonçalves da Silva, Vagner. "A Cor de Axé: Brancos e Negros no Candomblé de Sâo Paulo." Estudos Afro-Asiáticos 25, Dec. 1993, pp. 99-124.Prot
  • Bastide, Roger. O Candomblé da Bahia, Rito Nago. Sao Paulo: Companhia Editora Nacional, 1961.Prot
  • Bastide, Roger. The African Religions of Brazil: Toward a Sociology of the Interpenetration of Civilizations. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.Prot
  • Bastide, Roger. African Civilisations in the New World. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.Prot
  • Bastien, Remy. Le Paysan Haitien et sa Famille: Vallée de Marbial. Paris: Editions Karthala, 1985.Prot
  • Berkenbrock, Volney J.. A Experiencia dos Orixas: Um Estudo sobre a Experiencia Religiosa no Candomblé. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1998. Prot
  • Bisnouth, Dale. History of Religion in the Caribbean. Missing: Missing, 1996.
  • Boas Concone, Maria Helena Villas. Umbanda: Uma Religião Brasileira. Unpublished master's thesis. São Paulo: University of São Paulo, 1987.Prot
  • Brandon, George. Santeria from Africa to the New World: The Dead sell Memories. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.
  • Brown, Diana. Umbanda: Religion and Politics in Brazil. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1986.African
  • Brumana, Fernando Giobellina and Gonzalez Martinez, Elda. Marginalia Sagrada. São Paulo: Editora da UNICAMP, 1991.Prot
  • Burdick, John. Blessed Anastacia: Women, Race, and Popular Christianity in Brazil. New York: Routledge, 1998.Prot
  • Carozzi, María Julia and Frigerio, Alejandro. "Nâo se Nasce Batuqueiro: A Conversâo as Religiôes Afro-Brasileiras em Buenos Aires." Religiâo e Sociedade 18 (1) 1997, pp. 71-94.Prot
  • Carneiro, Edison. Candombles da Bahia. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizacao Brasileira, 1977.Prot
  • Cohen, Thomas M.. The Fire of Tongues: António Vieira and the Missionary Church in Brazil and Portugal. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998 spirit.
  • Costa Lima, Vivaldo da. Encontro de Naçôes de Condomblê. Salvador: Centro de Estudos Afro-Asiáticos da Universidade Federal de Bahia e Ianamá, 1984.Prot
  • Cros Sandoval, Mercedes. La religión afrocubana. Madrid: Editoral Playor , 1975.African
  • Cruz, Samuel. Afro-Caribbean Influences in Puerto Rican Pentecostalism. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Drew University, 2004.Prot
  • Davis, Wade. The Serpent and the Rainbow. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985.African
  • Davis, Wade. Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.Prot
  • Dayan, Joan. Haiti, History, and the Gods. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.Prot
  • Deren, Maya. Divine Horsemen; Voodoo Gods of Haiti. New York: Chelsea House, 1970.Prot
  • Deren, Maya. The Voodoo Gods. St Albans, UK: Paladin, 1975.African
  • Desmangles, Leslie G.. The Faces of the Gods: Vodou and Roman Catholicism in Haiti. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1992.Prot
  • Fernandez Olmos, Margarite and Paravisini-Gebert, Lizabeth (Editors.) Sacred Possessions: Vodou, Santeria, Obeah, and the Caribbean. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997.
  • Ferreira de Camargo, Candido Procopio. Kardecismo e Umbanda; Uma Interpretacao Sociologica. São Paulo: Livraria Pioneira Editora, 1961.Prot
  • Frigerio, Alejandro. With the Banner of Oxalá: Social Construction and Maintenance of Reality in Afro-Brazilian Religions in Argentina. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of California at Los Angeles,1989.Prot
  • Frigerio, Alejandro and Oro, Ari Pedro. "Sectas Satánicas en el Mercado Sur. Un Estudio de la Construcción de la Desviación Religiosa en los Medios de Comunicación de Argentina y Brasil." Horizontes Antropólicos 8, 1998, pp. 114-150.Prot
  • Frigerio, Alejandro . " La Invasión de las Sectas: El Debate sobre Nuevos Movimientos Religiosos en los Medios de Comunicación de Argentina." Sociedad y Religión 10/11,1993, pp. 24-51.Prot
  • Gates, Brian. Afro-Caribbean Religions. London: Ward Lock, 1980.African
  • Glazier, Stephen. Marching the Pilgrims Home: Leadership and Decision Making in an Afro-Caribbean Faith. Westport CN: Greenwood Press, 1983.African
  • Gonzalez-Wippler, Migene. Santería: The Religion. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Press, 1994.African
  • Gossai, Hemchand and Murrell, Nathaniel Samuel (Editors.) Religion, Culture and Tradition in the Caribbean. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan, 2000.African
  • Greenfield, Sidney and Droogers, André. Reinventing Religions: Syncretism and Transformation in Africa and the Americas. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001 .African
  • Groat-Brown, Diana de. Umbanda: Religion and Politics in Urban Brazil. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.Prot
  • Guillermoprieto, Alma. "Letter from Rio." The Heart that Bleeds: Latin America Now (pp.missing). New York: Knopf, 1994.Prot
  • Hess, David. Samba in the Night : Spiritism in Brazil. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.Prot
  • Hess, David. Spirits and Scientists: Ideology, Spiritism, and Brazilian Culture. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991.Prot
  • Hess, David. New Sciences, New Gods: Spiritism and Questions of Religious Pluralism in Latin America. 1992. Occasional Paper No. 11, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 1992 Providence, R.I. pp. 29-30..Prot
  • Houk, James T.. Spirit, Blood and Drums: The Orisha Religion in Trinidad. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1995.African
  • Lachatañeré, R.. El Sistema Religioso de los Lucumís y otras Influencias Africanas en Cuba. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Caribe, 1940.African
  • Lachatañeré, R.. Oh Mío, Yemayá. Manzanillo, Cuba: Editorial El Arte, 1938.African
  • Leacock, Seth and Leacock, Ruth. Spirits of the Deep: A Study of an Afro-Brazilian Cult. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Natural History Press, 1972.African
  • McCathy Brown, Karen. Mama Lola: A Voudou Priestess in Brooklyn. Missing: Missing, 1991.Prot
  • Métraux, Alfred. Voodoo in Haiti. New York: Oxford University Press, 1959.Prot
  • Métraux, Alfred. "Les Rites d'Initiation dans le Vodou Haïtien ." Tribus 4/5,1954-1955, pp. 177-198.Prot
  • Métraux, Alfred. "Toward an Afro-American History." Cahier d"Histoire Mondiale 13, 1971, pp. 317-332.Prot
  • Morrish, Ivor. Obeah, Christ, and Rastaman: Jamaica and its Religion. Cambridge, UK: James Clarke, 1982.African
  • Motta, Roberto. The Churchifying of Candomblé: Priests, Anthropologists, and the Canonization of African Religious Memory. Paper given at Latin American Studies Assn. International Congress, 1992. Prot
  • Motta, Roberto. " Indo-Afro-European Syncretic Cults in Brazil: Their Economic and Social Roots." Cahiers du Brasil Contemporain 5, 1988, pp. 27-48.Prot
  • Moura, C.E.M.. As Senhoras do Pássaro da Noite: Escritos sobre a Religião dos Orixás. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1994.
  • Mulrain, George MacDonald. Theology in Folk Culture: The Theological Significance of Haitian Folk Religion. New York: Peter Lang, 1984.African
  • Murphy, Joseph. Santería: An African Religion in the United States. Boston: Beacon Place, 1988.Prot
  • Novaies, Regina. Os Escolhidos de Deus. Cadernos do ISER, 19 . Rio de Janeiro: Editora Marco Zero, 1985 .African
  • Oro, Ari Pedro. Axe Mercosul: As Religioes Afro-Brasileiras nos Paises do Prata. Petrópolis: Editora Vozes, 1999.Prot
  • Owens, Joseph. Dread: The Rastafarians of Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica: Sangster, 1976.African
  • Palmie, Stephan. Wizards and Scientists: An Exploration of Afro-Cuban Modernity and Traditions. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2002.African
  • Piepke, Joachim. "The Religious Heritage of Africa in Brazil: Investigations about the Religiosity of the Afro-Brazilians Today." Verbum SVD 33(2) 1992, pp.174-175.Prot
  • Prandi, Reginaldo. "As Religiôaes Negras do Brasil: Para uma Sociología dos Cultos Afro-Brasileiros." Revista USP 28, Dec. 1995, pp. 64-83.Prot
  • Prandi, Reginaldo. Os Candomblés de Sao Paulo: A Velha Magia na Metropole Nova. Sao Paulo: Editora Hucitec, 1991.Prot
  • Price-Mars, J.. Ainsi Parla L'Oncle. Montreal: Lemeac, 1973.Prot
  • Ringenberg, Roger. Rastafariansim: An Expanding Jamaican Cult. Kingston, Jamaica: Jamaica Theology Seminary, 1978.African
  • Robbins, Thomas and Anthony, Dick (Editors.) In Gods We Trust. Missing: Transaction Books, 1989. African
  • Rodman, Selden and Cleaver Carole. Spirits of the Night: The Vaudun Gods of Haiti. Dallas TX: Spring Publications, 1992.African
  • Rodrigues Brandão, Carlos. Os Deuses do Povo: Um Estudo sobre Religão popular. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1980 .African
  • Santos, José Luiz dos. Espiritismo: Uma Religião Brasileira. São Paulo: Moderna, 1997.
  • Simpson, George. Black Religions in the New World. New York: Columbia University Press, 1978.African
  • Simpson, George. Shango Cult in Trinidad. Rip Piedras, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico, 1965.African
  • Simpson, George. Religious Cults in the Caribbean. Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico, 1980.African
  • Smith, Ashley. Pentecostalism in Jamaica. Mandeville, Jamaica: Eureka Press, 1993 .African
  • Smith, Ashley. Real Roots and Potted Plants: Reflections on the Caribbean Church. Williamsfield, Jamaica: Mandeville Publishers, 1984.African
  • Smith, Michael G. (Editor.) The Rastafarian Movement in Jamaica. Missing: University of the West Indies, 1960.African
  • Sosa, J.J.. Religiosity and Religious Syncretism: Santeria and Spiritism. Miami: Missing , 1982.African
  • Verger, Pierre. Notas sobre o Culto aos Orixás e Voduns na Bahia de Todos os Santos, no Brasil, e na Antiga Costa dos Escravos, na África. São Paulo: EDUSP, 2000.
  • Voeks, Roberto A. Sacred Leaves of Candomblé: African Magic, Medicine, and Religion in Brazil. Austin TX: University of Texas Press, 1997.Prot
  • Vogel, Arno, Mello, Antonio da Silva and Barros, José Flavio Pessoa de. Galinha d'Angola: Iniciação e Identidade na Cultura Afro-Brasileira. Rio de Janeiro: Pallas, 1998.
  • Waters, Anita. Race, Class and Political Symbols: Rastafarianism and Reggae in Jamaican Politics. New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1975.African
  • Williams, J.J.. Voodoos and Obeahs: Phases of West Indies Witchcraft. New York: Missing, 1933.African