Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
You are viewing an archived resource that was originally developed by staff of the Institute of Latin American Studies (now the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies) at the University of Texas at Austin. The Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade (CSWHT) and its affiliated programs no longer exist at UT Austin. The CSWHT Web site is preserved here by LANIC for archival and research purposes. Please be aware that many of the links on the site no longer function, the activities listed on the site are no longer undertaken, and much of the information is outdated.

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This list of specialists in trade issues was compiled by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations (ECLAC/CEPAL).

The individuals participated in a 1991-1994 project co-sponsored by ECLAC and the Inter-American Development Bank to analyze trade, investment and employment issues affecting the Americas. The list has been expanded with information of other person s who share similar expertise.

Matti Aaltola
External Economic Relations
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 176, SF-00161
Helsinki, Finland
Fax: 011-358-01-341-5599

Dr. Marcelo de Paiva Abreu
Department of Economics
Pontifical Catholic University
Rua Marques de Sao Vicente 225
22453 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fax: 5-521-294-2095
Tel: 5-521-274-2797

Dr. Manuel R. Agosin
Director de la Escuela de Economia y
Univ. de Chile
Diagonal Paraguay
257 Oficina 1801
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 562-222-0775
Tel: 562-222-8521

Dr. Orlando Bareiro Aguilera
Director de Estudios Economicos
Ministerio de Hacienda
Asuncion, Paraguay
Fax: 011-595-21-441-474

Horacio Alavarez
Asociacion Dom. de Exportadores
Av. W. Churchill No. 5
A.P. Caja 73-2
Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana

Jose A. Albuquerque
2009 Belmont Rd, NW #301
Washington, D.C. 20009
Fax: 202-232-3064
Private: 202-232-3064
Tel: 202-298-0289

Mr. Alan Alexandroff
Tory Tory Deslauriers
Suite 3000, IBM Tower
P.O. Box 270
Toronto, Ontario M5k 1N2
Fax: 613-865-7380
Tel: 613-865-7536

Sr. Antonio Antunes
Secretary General
Cebouati 1461
Montevideo, Uruguay
Fax: 598-2-490-649
Tel: 598-2-483-555

Mr. David Appia
Division Foreign Economic Relation
Ministry of Economics, Finance and Budget
rue Bercy 75572
Paris 12 CEDEX, France
Fax: 4-321-9984
Tel: 4-924-8271

Mr. Alfonso Arenales
5108 Brookview Drive
Bethesda, MD 20816
Tel: 301-229-8324

Sr. Salvador Arriola
Secretario Permanente, SELA
Apartado Postal 17035
Caracas, Venezuela
Fax: 582-951-6953/7246
Tel: 582-905-5102

Prof. Edmar Bacha
Catholic Univ. of Rio de Janeiro
Rua M.S. Vicente, 225
22453 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fax: 55-21-294-2095
Tel: 55-21-274-2797

Mr. Jonathan Baker
Consultant - The Americas Branch
Government of Ontario
3rd Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1
Fax: 416-325-6794
Tel: 416-325-6790

Sr. Elvio Baldinelli
Banco de Boston
Escuela Argentina de la Exportacion
Av. Pte. Roque Senz Pea #567
Piso 8, 1352
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 541-343-7303
Tel: 541-342-8800/09

Prof. Robert E. Baldwin
Economic Social Science Building
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706-1320
Fax: 608-262-4747

Ing. Juan B. Ballario
Ministerio de Hacienda
Calle Chile y
Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion
Asuncion, Paraguay
Fax: 011-595-21-441-474

Veronica T. Banez
9512 Chestnut Farm Dr.
Vienna, Va 22182

Lic. Arnoldo Castillo Barajas
Ministerio de Economia
Palacio Nacional
Guatemala, Guatemala
Centro America
Fax: 502-517-243 o 81297

Amb. Rubens Antonio Barbosa
Brazilian Embassy
6 St. Alban's Street
London, South West
Fax: 00-447-183-9895
Tel: 06-441-930-9055

Mr. Irwin Baskind
4948 Sentinel Dr. #403
Bethesda, MD 20816
Tel: 301-229-7771

Mr. Carlos Bazdresch
Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas
Caretera Mexico-Toluca. 16 KNE.
Mexico D.R., Mexico
Fax: 5-700732
Tel: 5-705523

C. Fred Bergsten
Director, Institute for
International Economics
11 Dupont Circle, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-329-9000

Dr. Julio Berlinski
Instituto Torcuato Di Tella
11 de Septiembre 2139
1428 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 541-786-2636
Tel: 541-781-5013/15

Dr. Richard L. Bernal
Embassy of Jamaica
1520 New Hamphsire NW
Washington, D.C. 20086
Tel: 202-452-0660

Dr. Albert Berry
University of Toronto
Department of Economics, Rm 201
150 St George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
Fax: 416-978-2910/6713
Tel: 416-978-8975/4978

Embajador Miguel J. Berthet
Del. Perm. ante los
Organismos Internacionals
65 Rue de la Lausanne
1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Fax: 41-22-731-5651
Tel: 41-22-732-8366

Antonio Fernando Guimaraes Bessa
Director, Vice President
Avenida Arno 146
03108 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Andres Bianchi
Evaristo Lillo 241
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 56-2-232-3494
Tel: 56-2-228-8066

Robert A. Blecker
Dept. of Economics
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016-8029
Fax: 202-885-3790
Tel: 202-885-3770

Nancy Bockstael
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
2216 Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Wesley Boles
Project Manager / LAC-TI
Nathan Associates
Two Colonial Place
2101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22201
Fax: 703-526-6980
Tel: 703-516-7710

Richard Boltuck
Trade Resources Co.
1730 K St., N.W., Suite 1009
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-785-0160
Tel: 202-959-0920

Prof. Regis Bonelli
Dept. of Economics
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
225 Marquy de S. Vicente
Rio de Janeiro 22-453 RJ, Brazil
Fax: 5521-294-2095
Tel: 5521-274-2797

Jean-Benoit Boucher
Commercial Attache
Embajada de Belgica en Chile
Av. Providencia 2653, Of. 1104
Santiago, CHILE

Dr. Colin Bradford
Dep. Assis. Admin.
Bureau for Policy and Program Coordination
Agency for International Development
Room 3892
320 21st, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20523
Fax: 202-647-8595
Tel: 202-647-8592

Mr. Carlos Alberto Primo Braga
International Economics Department
1818 H Street N.W. Room S-7038
Washington D.C. 20433
Fax: 202-477-0661
Tel: 202-473-3927
Telex RCA 248423 WORLDBANK

Mr. Albert Brathwaite
The Prime Minister's Office
Government Headquarters
Bay Street, St. Michael
Fax: 809-436-9280
Tel: 809-426-3179

David C. Brown
One Park Place South
Suite 1001
Atlanta, GA 30342
Fax: 404-651-2976
Tel: 404-651-2950

Mr. Earl Brown
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
2216 Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Drusilla Brown
Associate Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
Tel: 617-627-3096

Dr. Janet Welsh Brown
World Resources Institute
1709 New York Avenue NW, Suite 700
Washington D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-638-0036
Tel: 202-638-6300

Mr. John M. Bruton
Vice Presidente Ejecutivo
American Chamber of Commerce-Mexico
Lucerna 78-4
Mexico 06600, D.F.
Fax: 52-5-703-2911
Tel: 52-5-705-0995

Mr. Anthony T. Bryan
Director, Caribbean Program
North-South Center
The University of Miami
1500 Monza Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33146-3027
Fax: 305-284-6370
Tel: 305-284-6868

Ms. Andrea Butelman
Asesora - Ministerio de Hacienda
Teatinos 120, Piso 12
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 56-2-696-4798
Tel: 56-2-698-9191

Mr. Douglas I. Campbell
Director, Latin American and Caribbean Trade
Dept. of External Affairs
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
Fax: 613-943-8806
Tel: 613-996-4198

Sr. Wilson Cano
Univ. de Campinas,Inst de Economia
Campinas - SP
Brasil - CEP - 13081
Fax: 192-39-1512
Tel: 192-39-3232/2873

Sr. Carlos Gustavo Cano
Ave. 116 #19-08 Piso 2
Bogata, Colombia
Fax: 214-7431
Tel: 214-3800/612-0578/214-7062/214-7431

Sr. Marcelo J.M. Canellas
Ministerio de Economia
Direccion General de Politica Economica
Hipolito Irigoyen 250
Capital Federal 1310
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 011-54-1-331-7426

Dr. Eliana Cardoso
World Bank
700 18th Street
Washington DC 20433
Tel: 202-458-2334

Sr. Pedro E. Carrillo
Consejero, Embajada de Venezuela
1099 30th Street NW
Washington D.C. 20007
Fax: 202-342-6820
Tel: 202-342-6813

Mr. Edwin W. Carrington
Secretary General
Caribbean Community
Bank of Guyana Building
P.O. Box 10827
Georgetown, Guyana
Fax: 592-2-6-6091 / 6-7817 / 5-7341
Tel: 592-2-6-9281

Sr. Jose Carrion
432 Suite 902
Casilla 7524
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Fax: 5934-56-64-54 C/O Sr. Marcos Espinel
Tel: 30-64-87/7-00

Mr. James E. Carter
Vice President, Policy Dept.
Automotive Parts Manuf. Assn.
195 The West Mall, Suite 516
Etobicoke, Ontario M9C 5K4
Fax: 613-620-9730
Tel: 613-620-4220

Ronald Cass
Boston University Law School
765 Commonwealth Ave.
Boston, MA 02215

Prof. James H. Cassing
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Department of Economics
University of Pittsburg
Pittsburg, PA 15260
Fax: 412-648-5911
Tel: 412-648-8746

Carlos Perez del Castillo
Zelmar Michelini 1321, Ap. 1204
Montevideo, URUGUAY

Rodolfo Castro
Avenida 14
Calles 35 y 37
San Jose, Costa Rica

Dr. Luis Alfonso Torres Castro
Hacienda y Credito Publico
Carrera 7a, No. 6-45
Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 57-1-284-5396

Mr. Rafael Fernandez de Castro
Estudios Internacionales
Avenida Coyoacan 1014-402
Col. del Valle
Mexico, D.F. 03100
Fax: 525-550-7637
Tel: 525-548-2441

Luis Fernando Panelii Cesar
Diplomat, First Secretary
Ministry of Foriegn Relations
Brasilia, Brazil

Mr. Robert Chambers
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
2216 Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Professor Graciela Chichilnisky
Dept. of Economics
Columbia University
335 Riverside Drive
New York, NY 10025
Fax: 212-678-0405
Tel: 212-678-1148

Nivalao Jose Chiossi, Jr.
Av. Paulista
1313 11o Andar Sala 1102
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Dr. Daniel Chudnovsky
Director, CENIT
Cavia 3094
(1425) Buenos Aires,
Fax: 541-801-4417
Tel: 541-801-4417

Dr. Norris Clement
Dept. of Economics
San Diego State Univ.
4764 Soria Drive
San Diego, CA 92115
Fax: 619-594-5062
Tel: 619-594-1675

Mr. William Cline
Institute for Internat. Economics
11 Dupont Circle NW
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: 202-328-0583

Mr. Jay Coghill
Ministry of Treasury and Economics
Government of Ontario
6th Floor, Frost Bldg. North
Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1Z1
Fax: 613-325-0796
Tel: 613-325-0757

Sr. Silvio Javier Comboni
Ed. Loayza, Piso 7
Casilla 1284
La Paz, Bolivia
Alt. Tel: 591-2-36-9905
Fax: 591-2-37-2333
Tel: 591-2-37-4628

Mr. Anthony Lacaud Cooper
Vice President
Caribbean and Latin America
ScotiaMcLeod Incorporated
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Box 433, Commercial Union Tower
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1A1
Fax: 613-862-3270
Tel: 613-863-7992

Mr. Carlyle Corbin
Representative for External Affairs
Government of the Virgin Islands
Government House
St. Thomas
Virgin Islands 00802
Fax: 809-774-4988
Tel: 809-774-0001

Professor W.M. Corden
International Economics, SAIS
1740 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-663-5656
Tel: 202-663-5679

Normelio Moora da Costa
Director President
Caraiba Metais, SA
Via do Cobre, 3700
Copec - Camagari/Bahia

Diputado Alberto Couriel
Palacio Legislativo
Pereira de la Luz 1035
Oficina 401
Montevideo, Uruguay
Fax: 598-2-235538
Tel: 598-2-205829

Luciano Coutinho
Instituto de Economia UNICAMP
13081 Campinas
Sao Paulo BRASIL
Fax: 55-192-391512
Tel: 55-192-39733
Alt. Tel: 55-11-651-612

Mr. David Crane
Senior Economics Editor
The Toronto Star
One Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5E 1E6
Fax: 613-869-4416
Tel: 613-869-4876

Ms. Nellis Crigler
Vice President
Manchester Trade, Ltd.
1155 15th., Suite 302
Washington, D.C. 20005-2706
Fax: 202-785-0376
Tel: 202-331-9464

Dr. Dan Crisafulli
World Bank
1818 H Street, N.W.
Rm. I - 8168
Washington, DC 20433

Mr. John M. Curtis
Dept. of External Affairs and
International Trade Canada
Government of Canada
125 Sussex Drive, OMTN
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
Fax: 613-992-4695
Tel: 613-992-7776

Emb. Conde de Borchgrave d'Altena
Embajada de Belgica en Chile
Avda. Providencia 2653, Of. 1104
Santiago, CHILE

Mr. Simon Danreuther
Dept. of Trade and Industry
Overseas Trade Division 4/2B
London, SW1E 6 SW, United Kingdom
Fax: 44-71-931-0397
Tel: 44-71-931-0397

Dr. Andres Dauhajre
Fundacion Economia y Desarollo
Av. A. Lincoln, esq. J.F.K.
Edificio Nissan, 2da planta
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Fax: 809-566-7367
Tel: 809-566-7374 / 7376

Helen J. Davis
2 Kentbury Way
Bethesda, MD 20814
Fax: 301-652-9213
Tel: 301-718-4671

Mr. Reinaldo A. Decerega
8029 Lynnfield Drive
Alexandria, VA 22306
Tel: 703-765-6260

Mr. I.M. Destler
School of Public Affairs
3105D Morrill Hall
Universtiy of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Fax: 301-403-4675
Tel: 301-405-6357

Prof. Don Dewees
Dept. of Economics
University of Toronto
150 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
Fax: 613-978-4473
Tel: 613-978-4473

Flavia Nucci Dezotti
Farina e Fraga Adv. Associates
Avenida Sao Luiz 112, 9o And.
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla
Office of Agricultural Affairs
Embassy of Argentina
1600 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20009
Fax: 202-332-1324
Tel: 202-939-6446

Adrian Dickson
Rua Bon Vista 25Y 4o Andar
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Evandro Didonet
First Secretary
Department of Latin American Intergration
Ministerio de Relations Exteriores
Esplanada dos Ministerios,
Palacio do Itamaraty, Anexo I - Sala 413
70000 Brasilia, D.F., BRASIL

Luis Jose Diez-Canseco
34, chemin des Colombettes
1211 Geneve 20
Fax: 41-22-733-5428
Tel: 41-22-730-9582

Dr. Richard Lipsey, Director
Economic Growth and Policy Program
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V6B 5K3
Fax: 604-291-5034
Tel: 604-291-5036

Mr. Clark W. Reynolds, Director
Americas Program
Stanford University
IIS, 200 Encina Hall
Stanford, CA 94305-6055
Fax: 415-725-2592
Tel: 415-723-3096

Wolf Grabendorff, Director
Pedro de Valdivia, 10, E
28006 Madrid, Spain
Fax: 34-1-562-6499
Tel: 34-1-261-7200

Mr. Winston Dookeran
Center for International Affairs
Harvard University
1737 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617-496-5642
Tel: 617-495-3605

Prof. Rudiger Dornbusch
Department of Economics Rm E52-357
Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Fax: 617-253-4096
Tel: 617-253-3648

Dr. Edgar J. Dosman
(FOCAL) The North-South Institute
200 - 55 Murray
Ottawa, Canada K1N 5M3
Fax: 613-789-9067
Tel: 613-236-3535

Sr. Danilo Carrera Druet
V.M. Rendon 401 y Cordova
Quito, Ecuador

Gilberto Dupas
Banco Safra
2100 Piso #21
01310 Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo, BRASIL

Dr. Esperanza Duran
World Bank
Room Q-7116
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20453
Fax: 202-473-5864
Tel: 202-458-4783

Sr. Carlos Manuel Echeverria
Director Ejecutivo, FEDEPRICAP
Aptdo Postal 91-2050
San Jose, Costa Rica
Fax: 506-252025
Tel: 506-539815/7

Mr. Juan Jorge Erbar
Consul for Commercial Affairs
Argentine Consulate
145 Richmond Street West,
Suite 2001
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2L2
Fax: 613-869-1478
Tel: 613-603-9075

Dr. Fabio Stefano Erber
Av. Chile 100/10 A.
20001-970 CEP
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Fax: 55-021-533-0866
Tel: 55-021-220-6634

Prof. Don Etchison
Simon Fraser Univerisity at Harbour Centre
Centre for North American Business Studies
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5K3
Fax: 604-291-5122
Tel: 604-291-5106

Sr. Arturo Fajardo
Edificio Reforma Monyufar
5o. Nivel
Avenida la Reforma 12-01, Zona 10
Guatemala, Guatemala
Fax: 5022-318296
Tel: 5022-342238

Mr. Richard E. Feinberg
National Security Council
Room #361
Old Exec. Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20506
Fax: 202-456-9140
Tel: 202-456-9131

Mr. Paul J. Fekete
Senior Associate, The Brock Group
1155 Connecticut Ave., NW
10th Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-296-1924
Tel: 202-296-1901

Carlos Eduardo Moreira Ferreira
President, FIESP
1313 Avenida Paulista
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Fransico Marcelo Rocha Ferreira
Chief of Economics Department
Ave. Rep, de Chile, 100 - 14o And
Caixa Postal 1910 CEP 2001-970
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Mr. Desiree Field-Ridley
Adviser, CARICOM
2 New Providence
Georgetown, EBD Guyana
Fax: 55420
Tel: 69281

Laerte Setubal Filho
1313 Avenida Paulista
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tel: 084-331-2700

Prof. Stanley Fischer
700 19th Street, NW
Wasinton, D.C. 20431
Fax: 202-623-4661
Tel: 202-623-4607

Mr. Glen T. Fisher
President and CEO
Canadian Pacific Consultint Servics Ltd.
740 Notre Dame Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3X6
Fax: 514-875-1023
Tel: 514-876-1901

Dr. Albert Fishlow
Office of the Dean
International and Area Studies
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
Fax: 415-642-9466
Tel: 415-642-1140

Mr. Nicolas Flano
Executive Director, Chile
The World Bank
1818 H St. NW
Washington D.C. 20433
Fax: 202-477-3786
Tel: 202-458-2066

Ms. Betina de Fonseca
Consul, Secretario de Embajada
Consulado Gral. Argentina
145 Richmond Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2L2
Fax: 613-869-1478
Tel: 613-603-9075

Mr. Jeremy Fox
Fox Jones & Associates
Suite 107
50 Prince Arthur Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5R 1B5
Fax: 613-925-0640
Tel: 613-928-1003

Lilian Arbiza Franca
Directora General
Direccion General de Comercio Exterior
Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas
Cuariem 1384, Piso 2
Montevideo, URUGUAY

Mr. Myles R. Frechette
Department of State
23rd and C. St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20520
Fax: 202-647-6434
Tel: 202-647-8257

Marcus Vinicius A.G. de Frietas
Institute of Strategic Law Studies
Rua Teodoro Sauipaio, 2147 - 1o
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Alfredo Fuentes
Carrera 13 No. 90-36, Of. 203
Santa Fe de Bogota, D.C., COLOMBIA

Mr. Dwight W. Fulford
75 Hinton Avenue North
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 0Z7
Fax: 613-722-4528
Tel: 613-722-0440

Ms. Kathryn A. Funk
World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433
Fax: 202-473-5443
Tel: 202-473-5443

Sr. Luis Fernando Furlan
131 Ave. Paulista
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Tel: 011-420-4211

Sr. Jorge Gallardo
Velez 1109
P.O. Box 4600
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Fax: 326381
Tel: 321400 / 320134

Sr. Cesar Jaramillo Gallego
Ministerio Economia Industria y Comercio
Aado 10216-1000
San Jose, Costa Rica
Fax: 506-222305
Tel: 506-227605

Sr. Agustin Garcia-Lopez
Director, Financial Affairs with North American,
Pacific, and the Caribbean Countries
Ministry of Financial Affairs
Pal. Nacional, 1 er Patio Mariano
D.F. 4038 Piso 4, Mexico D.F., Mexico

Mr. Marcelo Garriga
Centro de Economia Internacional
Reconquista 1088, Piso 12
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 541-313-2694
Tel: 541-814-4803/4819

Mr. Gary German
National Chairman
Canadian Council for the Americas
145 Richmond Street West
3rd Floor, Executive Offices
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2L2
Fax: 613-367-5460
Tel: 613-367-4131

Mr. Henry S. Gill
Quinta Blanca Luz
Calle Chivacoa
San Roman
Caracas, Venezuela
Fax: 582-92-58-40
Tel: 582-92-58-40

Licda. Anabel Gonzales
Ministerio De Comercio Exterior
Apartado 96, Montes de Oca
San Jose, Costa Rica
Fax: 506-33-91-76
Tel: 506-22-58-55

Sr. Fernando Gonzalez-Vigil
Miguel Aljovin 224-Miraflores
Lima 18, Peru
Fax: 51-14-461953/469271
Tel: 51-14-464373

Mr. Stan E. Gooch
Assistant Deputy Minister
Latin America & Caribbean Affairs
External Affairs and Int'l. Trade Canada
Government of Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0G2
Fax: 613-943-8808
Tel: 613-996-7065

Mr. Allan Gotlieb
Stikeman Elliot
Suite 1400
Comerce Court West
Toronto, Ontario M5L 1B9
Fax: 613-947-0866
Tel: 613-869-5664

Mr. Gordon Gow
President & CEO
Ontario International Corporation
56 Wellesley Street West
7th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 2E4
Fax: 613-314-8222
Tel: 613-314-8200

Jorge Grandi
Centro de Formacion para la Integracion Regional
Ave. Joaquin Suarez
11700 Montevideo, Uruguay
Fax: 598-2-36-36-95 / 36-52-33
Tel: 598-2-36-48-95 / 36-52-32

Ms. Heather Grant
Suite 700
261 Cooper Street
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0G3
Tel: 613-230-6724

Mr. Nigel Gravesande
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Industry
Main Quhart Street
Georgetown, Guyana
Fax: 592-2-61-492

Luis Xavier Grisanti
Vice Ministro de Hacienda
Ministerio de Hacienda
Centro Simon Bolivar
Ed. Norte
Caracas, Venezuela 1010
Fax: 58-2-415771
Tel: 58-2-481-6249

Joseph Grunwald
Adjunct Professor
Univ. of California, San Diego
Graduate School of International Relations
and Pacific Studies
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093
Tel: 619-534-7644

Juan Gualy
Continental Intervest, Inc.
630 West 34th St Suite 201
Austin, TX 78705
Fax: 512-323-9231
Tel: 512-458-9171

Cynthia Leigh Gualy
Continental Intervest Inc.
630 West 34th St Suite 201
Austin TX 78705
Fax: 512-323-9231
Tel: 512-458-9171

Samual P. Guimaraes
Minister Counsellor
34 cours Albert 1er
75008, Paris
Fax: 42-89-03-45
Tel: 42-25-92-50

Sr. Marcelo Vaca Guzman
Nogales, Gottret Cariaga y Vaca-Guzman
Av. Simon Bolivar 1584
La Paz, Bolivia
Fax: 591-2-797-178/328-694
Tel: 591-2-360-362

Mr. Jerry Haar
Canada Project
North-South Center
University of Miami
P.O. Box 248123
Coral Gables, Florida 33124-3010
Fax: 305-284-4406
Tel: 305-284-5484

Mr. Peter Hakim
1211 Connecticut Ave., NW
Suite 510
Washington, D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-822-9553
Tel: 202-822-9002

Mr. Blair Hankey
45 B Alexander Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1M 1N1 Canada
Fax: 613-952-3904
Tel: 613-944-9171

Harry Hargadon
Vice President - Ontario
Canadian Airlines International
3111 Convair Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5O 1C2
Fax: 613-612-2491
Tel: 613-612-2417

Dr. Richard Harris
Department of Economics
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C. Canada V5A 1S6
Fax: 604-291-5944
Tel: 604-291-3795

Mr. Michael Hart
External Affairs and International Trade Canada
Policy Planning Staff
125 Sussex Dr.
Ottawa, Ontario
Fax: 613-944-0027
Tel: 613-943-2801

Mr. Patrick Van Haute
Minister Counselor
Embassy of Belgium
3330 Garfield St. NW
Washington D.C. 20008
Fax: 202-625-7567

Mr. George Haynal
Corporate Banking
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank Plaza
South Tower, 12th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2J5
Fax: 974-8240
Tel: 974-0988

Mr. John J. Heberle,
1015 Twentieth Street NW
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-872-0618
Tel: 202-659-6300

Dr. Gerald Helleiner
University of Toronto
Dept. of Economics
150 George St., Toronto
Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1
Fax: 416-978-6713
Tel: 416-978-5063

Anthony Hill
Ambassador, Permanent Secretary
Office of the Prime Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
P.O. Box 624
Kingston, JAMAICA

Monica Hirst
Coordinadora de Relaciones
Federico Lacroza 2097
Casilla 145, Sucrusal 26
1426 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Fax: 54-1-771-0978 / 772-2407
Tel: 54-1-775-6937

Sr. Isidoro Hodara
Director, H & H Trade, S.A.
Cerrito 461
Esc. 306
11000 Montevideo
Fax: 5982-96-27-14
Tel: 5982-95-86-83

Mr. John Hoicka
Office of Economic Policy
Ontario Ministry of Treasury and Economics
4th Floor, Frost Building North
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1Y9
Fax: 613-325-1187
Tel: 613-325-0930

Mr. Lars-Olof Holloner
Embassy of Sweden
Economic Affairs
600 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Suite 1200
Washington D.C. 20037
Fax: 202-342-1319

Mrs. Mavis Holmes-Hanek
Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Affairs
Nassau, New Providence
P.O. Box N-10114
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
Fax: 809-322-1767

Evelyn Horowitz
Director Adjunto de Relaciones
Apartado 17035, El Conde
Caracas 1010-A, VENEZUELA
Fax: 58-2-951-6953 / 951-7246
Tel: 58-2-905-5111 / 905-5151

Prof. Akio Hosono
Dean, College of Int. Relations
University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan
Fax: 81-298-53-5070
Tel: 81-298-53-6010

Fay Housty
Economic Research & Policy Station
P.O. Box 10827
George Toen, GUYANA

Mr. Gary Hufbauer
Institute for International Economics
11 Dupont Circle, NW, 6th Floor
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-328-5432
Tel: 202-328-9000

Mr. Steven L. Husted
4A32 Forbes Quad
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Fax: 412-648-5911
Tel: 412-648-1757/30

David Ibarra
Sede Subregional de la CEPAL
en Mexico
Av. Presidente Masaryk 29
11570 Mexico. D.F., Mexico

Mr. Gustavo Indart
Coridinator, Latin American Studies
CIS, Univ. of Toronto
18 Madison Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2S1
Fax: 613-978-2190
Tel: 613-978-1624

Eugen Ionele
Conesejero de Rumania en Chile
Calle Benjamin 2955
Santiago, CHILE

Kaldair Jose Ionon
FIESP/CIESP - Technology Dept.
Saso Paulo, Brazil
Fax: 011-598-2-921-726

Mr. Dennis James
Kaplan Russin & Vecchi
1215 17th Street NW
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-293-8684
Tel: 202-887-0353
Co-authored with Kathleen Patterson

Prof. Ken Jameson
University of Utah
Dept. of Economics
308 Business Classroom
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Fax: 801-581-7214
Tel: 801-581-7481

Alejandro Jara
Asuntos Economicos Bilaterales
Min. de Relaciones Exteriores
Alameda 1315, Piso 2
Santiago, CHILE

Juan Carlos Jaramillo
Dir Ejec. Alterno
700 19th St, NW
Washington, D.C. 20431

Mr. Freeborn Jewett Jr
World Resources Institute
1709 New York Avenue NW, Suite 700
Washington D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-638-0036
Tel: 202-638-6300

Sr. Milton De Pina Junior
Secretario Nacional de Economia
Deamento de Comercio Exterior
Av. Presidente Antonio Carlos, 375
11 Andar, Sala 1.111
CEP 20020
Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
Fax: 55-21-240-2897

Mr. Richard E. Just
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
2216 Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Mr. Mitsuhiro Kagami
Institute of Developing Economies
42 Ichigaya - Hommura - Cho, Shinjuku - Ku
Tokyo 162, JAPAN
Fax: 03-3226-8475
Tel: 03-3353-4231

Mr. Tsu Kagoshi
Japan Center for International Finance
2001 L Street, NW
Suite 904
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-822-9641
Tel: 202-822-9635

Mr. Michael Kelly
Investment Promotion & Services
Investment Development Division
Investment Canada
235 Queen Street
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 6A5
Fax: 613-996-2515
Tel: 613-995-5638 / 613-992-4916

James Kenworthy
Nathan Associates
Two Colonial Palce
2101 Wilson Blvd. Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22201
Fax: 703-528-6980
Tel: 703-516-7700

Mr. Drago Kisic
Director, Macro Consult
Pasase Lynch 165
San Isidro, Lima
Uma, Peru
Fax: 5114-414760
Tel: 5114-952465 / 5114-402148

Mr. Peter Kissick
Smith, Lyons, Torrance, Stevenson & Mayer
Suite 6200, Scotia Plaza
40 King Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 3Z7

Mr. Michael W. Klein
The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts 02155
Fax: 617-628-5508
Tel: 617- 628-7010

Ms. Elizabeth Klein
Dong Binggo Dong 33-20
Yongsan-Ku, Seoul 140--230
Republic of Korea
Tel: 02-500-2567

Mr. William Knepper
Council of the Americas
1625 K Street, N.W.
Suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax: 201-659-0169
Tel: 202-659-1547

Mr. Robert Kreklewich
Research Associate, CERLAC
131 Angus Drive
North York, Ont.
Canada M2J 2W9
Tel: 494-8662

Prof. Anne O. Krueger
Department of Economics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6072
Fax: 415-725-5702
Tel: 415-723-0188

Prof. Paul Krugman
Dept. of Economics
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Fax: 617-253-4096
Tel: 617-495-6569

Vasile Kulacoglu
154, Rue de Lausenne
1211 Geneva 21
Fax: 22-731-4206
Tel: 22-739-5003

Mr. Samuel Laird
GATT, Centre William Rappard
Rue de Lausanne 154
CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland
Fax: 41-22-731-4206
Tel: 41-22-739-5111

Dr. Roberto L. Lamarche
Director del Departamento de Estudios Economicos
Banco Central
Ave. Pedro Henriquez Urena
Santo Domingo,
Dominican Republic
Fax: 809-682-7666
Tel: 809-682-3887

Mr. Stephen Lande
Manchester Trade LTD
International Businness Advisers
1155 Fifteenth St. NW, Suite 302
Washington D.C. 20005
Fax: 202-785-0376
Tel: 202-331-9464

Prof. Robert Lawrence
JFK School of Government
Havard University
79 JFK Street
Cambridge MA 02138
Fax: 617-496-0063
Tel: 617-495-1118

Sr. Miguel Angel Leaman
Ministro para Asuntros Comerciales
Embajada de Mexico
Washington D.C.
Fax: 728-1712

Mr. Francois Lecavalier
Department of Finance
Government of Canada
140 O'Connor Street, 14th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0G5
Fax: 613-943-1177
Tel: 613-992-0624

Mr. Christian G. Lepage
Embassy of Belgium
3330 Garfield St. NW
Washington, DC 20008
Fax: 202-625-7567
Tel: 202-333-6900

Jennifer M. Lester
Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton
1752 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-429-0946
Tel: 202-728-2746

Mr. Santiago Levy
Comission Federal de Competencia
Tamaulipas 150 Piso 19
Colonia Condensa
06140 MEXICO, D.F.
Fax: 525-553-3240
Tel: 525-211-6500

Dr. David Lewis
Consultor Economico
York Street H-22
00926 San Juan, PR
Fax: 809-754-0604

Mr. Erik Lichtenberg
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
University of Maryland
2216 Symons Hall
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Randolph S. Lintz
AG International
910 17th St. NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202-466-2961
Tel: 202-466-2950

Mr. Seymour Martin Lipset
900 North Stafford St.
Apt. 2222
Arlington, VA 22203
Fax: 703-993-2284
Tel: 703-993-2280
Summer Tel: 415-723-4783
Summer Fax: 415-723-1687

Sr. Eduardo Lizano
P.O. Box 4633
San Jose 1000
Costa Rica, C.A.
Fax: 506-53-65-24
Tel: 506-53-17-53

Jose Luis Lopez
Abogado, Profesor Universitario
Huerfanos 835, Piso 7
Casilla de Correos 51010
Santiago, CHILE

Dr. Ramon Lopez
Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics
2216 Symons Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Celia de Luca
Subsecretaria de Politica Economia.
Ministerio de Economia y Obras y Servicios Publicos
Hipolito Irigoyen #250
5to Piso Ofic. 536
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 54-1-331-9838
Tel: 54-1-342-7111/0373

Jorge Lucangeli
Argentine Chancellery
Reconquista 1088
(1003) Capital Federal, Argentina

Ms. Julio Luna
1889 F Street NW, Suite 840
Washington D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-458-6335
Tel: 202-458-3767

Ms. Nora Lustig
Brookings Institution
1775 Mass. Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-797-6003
Tel: 202-797-6027

Martha Fernandez De Lynch
1313 Geranium St. NW
Washington D.C. 20012
Tel: 202-829-2672

Dr. Claudette Mackay-Lassonde
Assistant Deputy Minister
MITT, Govt. of Ontario
900 Bay Street, Hearst Block
8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1
Fax: 613-325-6985
Tel: 613-325-6952

Mr. Eugenio A. Maffucci
Economic Consultant
Arcos 2864-4A
(1429) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 541-962-6563
Tel: 541-70-9337

Tania Maria Perer Maintan
Av. Paulista, 1313 - 12o Andar
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tomas Malaga
Secretaria de Planejamento e Gestao, E. Sao Paulo
R. Iguatemi, 107

Mr. Pedro H. Mariani
Banco da Bahia S.A.
Praca Pio X. 98
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
Fax: 21-263-9527
Tel: 21-253-9673

Mr. Siegfried Marks
Sigmar International, Inc
10715 SW 74 Court
Miami, Fl 33156
Fax: 305-662-7550
Tel: 305-661-3906

Ms. Sandra Masur
Eastman Kodak Company
1776 Eye St., NW Suite 1050
Washington D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-857-3401
Tel: 202-857-3400

Ms. Karen V. Mathiasen
International Economist
Dept. of Treasury
Office of International Trade
1500 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Rm 4436
Washington D.C. 20220
Tel: 202-622-1535

Sr. Eduardo Mayobre
Representante Regional-CEMLA
Calle A No. 105
Urb. Las Marias
Caracas, Venezuela
Fax: 801-8100
Tel: 961-1873

Diana Florentino de Mazariegos
Assistente del Secretario General
4a. Avenida 10-25, Zona 14
Ciudad de Guatemala 01901, GUATEMALA

Prof. Ronald McKinnon
Dept. of Economics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6072
Fax: 415-725-5702
Tel: 415-723-3721

Mr. Robert I.G. McLean
Research and Policy
Council on Economic Renewal
Government of Canada
1 Dundas Street West, 25th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1Y7
Fax: 613-326-6769
Tel: 613-325-4579

Sr. Patricio Meller
Av. C. Colon 3494
Casillia 16496
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 56-2-228-3262
Tel: 56-2-228-3262/5657

Mr. Jorge Mendez
Junta Directiva, Cladei, Bogota
Corporacion Latinoamericana de Economica
Calle 111 2-17
Bogota, Colombia
Tel: 213-3791

Mr. Raphy Merom
Technical Assistant
Executive Director to Israel
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20431
Fax: 202-623-4924

Mr. Shus-Yan Mok
Commercial Intelligence Unit
Government of Ontario
5th Floor, Hearst Block
900 Bay Street, Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 2E1
Fax: 613-325-6799
Tel: 613-325-8766

Ms. Juanita Montalvo
Program Coordinator
The Canada-Latin America Forum
200 - 55 Murray
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 5M3
Fax: 613-789-9067
Tel: 613-236-3535

Veronica Montesinos
Pennsylvania State Univ
4716 Ellsworth Ave, Apt 115
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Tel: 412-682-4093

Christian Moran
Gerente General
CELTA Consultores Ltda.
Americo Vespucio Sur 80, Piso. 11
Santiago, CHILE

Alfredo Morelli
Dir. de America del Norte y
Asuntos Hemisfericos
Subsecretaria de Integracion Am.
Ministerio de Relaciones
Reconquista 1088
Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

Nicolas Moreno
Embajada de Uruguay en Chile
Av. Perdo de Valdavia 711
Santiago, CHILE

Peter Morici
Director of Economics
U. S. International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW
Room 602
Washington, D.C. 20436
Fax: 202-205-2340
Tel: 202-205-3216

Mr. F. Wm. Orde Morton
Manager, Policy Research
Bank of Montreal
First Canadian Place
3rd Floor Podium
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5X 1A1
Fax: 613-867-5237
Tel: 613-867-6329

Gilberto Mosmann
Comission for MERCOSUR Issues
Avenida Assis. Brazil 8787
91140-001 Porto Alegre, RS Brazil

Eduardo Moyano
Copmite de Inversiones Extranjeros
Teatinos 120, Piso 12
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 562-698-9476
Tel: 562-698-9476

Dr. Enrique Mujica
Ministerio de Fomento
Centro Simon Bolivar
Torre Norte, Quinto Piso
Caracas, Venezuela
Fax: 011-582-483-8552 or 41-35-59

Sr. Alejandro Nadal
Camino al Ajusco #20
Mexico D.F. 01000
Fax: 525-645-04-64
Tel: 525-645-59-55

Dr. Moises Naim
Carnegie Endowment for Int. Peace
2400 N. Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Fax: 202-862-2610
Tel: 202-862-7967

Lic. Oskar Rivas Najar
Ministerio de Economia y Comercio
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Centro America
Fax: 504-22-8974

Sr. Yoshiaki Nakano
Fundacao Getulio Vargas
Av. G de Julho, 2029
01313 Sao Paulo
Fax: 011-8446137
Tel: 011-8443196/2842311

Dr. Jose M. Salazar Navarrete
Apdo Postal 3321
San Jose 1000
Costa Rica
Tel: 506-25-5046

Sr. Julio Nogues
Director Ejecutivo Alterno
Banco Mundial
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Ms. Tere Nolla
Oficina de Fomento Economico
Puerto Rico
Suite 555-S
1331 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20004
Fax: 202-662-8904
Tel: 202-662-8977

Manuel Sandoval O.
Rel. Econ. con America del Sur
Secretaria de Relciones Exteriores
Ricardo Flores Magon 1,
Piso 4, Tlatelolco
Mexico, D.F. 3, MEXICO

Hon. Jose Antonio Ocampo
Ave. Jimenez #7-65
Piso 3
Santa Fe De Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 571-284-1775
Tel: 571-286-5010

Raul Hinojosa Ojeda
1300 New York Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20577
Stop W-0608
Fax: 202-623-2169
Tel: 202-623-2616

Mr. R. Novaes de Oliveira
Consulate of Brazil
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1109
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2
Fax: 613-922-1822
Tel: 613-922-2503

Mr. R. Novaes de Oliveira
Brazilian Consul General
Consulate of Brazil
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1109
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1M2
Fax: 613-922-1822
Tel: 613-922-2503

Jose Carlos Amaral de Oliveira Jr.
R. Jacofer 479
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Hisashi Ono
Technical Assistant to the Ecxecutive Director for
Inter-American Development Bank
1300 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20577
Fax: 623-3610

Mrs. Cherrie Orr
Director, Foreign Trade Division
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
85 Knutsford Boulevard
P.O. Box 624
Kingston, Jamaica
Fax: 809-924-9291

Ms. Halina Ostrovski
Executive Director
Canadian Council for the Americas
145 Richmond Street West
3rd Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5H 2L2
Fax: 613-367-5460
Tel: 613-367-4313

Germanico Salgado P.
Carlos Montufar 319, Bellevista

Dr. Joao Padrao
Portuguese Trade Commission
1900 L Street, NW
Office 401
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-331-8236
Tel: 202-331-8222

David Palmeter
Mudge Rose
2121 K Street NW
Washington D.C. 20037
fax: 202-429-9367

Prof. Robert Pastor
Political Science Deparment
The Carter Center
Emory University
1 Copenhill
Atlanta, Georgia 30307
Fax: 404-420-5196
Tel: 404-420-5180

Tomas Pastoriza
Aptdo Postal 201-2
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
Fax: 809-686-5497
Tel: 809-685-9151

Ms. Kathleen Patterson
Kaplan, Russin & Vecchi
1215 Seventeenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-293-8684
Tel: 202-887-0353

Sr. Francisco J. Pavia
Subdirector y Asesor Legal
Administracion de Asuntos
Federales de Puerto Rico
1100 17th Street NW, Suite 800
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-778-0721
Tel: 202-778-0731

Dr. Charles Pearson
SAIS, Johns Hopkins University
1740 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-663-5656
Tel: 202-663-5600

William Peitez
Calle Cuscatlan 4425 Colonia
Escalon, San Salvador
El Salvador, C.A.
Fax: 503-242204
Tel: 503-243000

Dr. Felix Pena
Pubyrregon, 1734
6th Fl.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fax: 541-311-1249

Mr. Cesar Penaranda
Asesor Principal
Ministerio de Economia y Finanzas
Av. Pablo Carriquiry 467 - of.9
San Isidro - Lima 27, Peru
Fax: 51-14-404882
Tel: 51-14-222225/280575

Jose Edgard Amorim Pereira
Special Advisor of Prefeitura de Belo Horizente
Rua Caraco 226 - And. 103
Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Dr. Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira
Getulio Vargas Foundation
Avenida Roberto Lorenz, 631
05611-050 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fax: 211-4186
Tel: 813-8273

Lia Valls Pereira
Fundacion Getulio Vargas/RJ
Av. 6 de Juhlo, 2029
01313 Sao Paulo

Joao Carlos Vasconcellos Pereira
Av. Paulista 1313 - 11o Andar
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Ing. Pablo Pereira
Vice Ministro de Economia
Ministerio de Economia y Deasarrollo
Apdo. Postal No. 8
Managua, Nicaragua
Centro America
Fax: 011-505-2-670-095

Jorge Perez-Lopez
International Economist
US Dept. of Labor
200 Constitution Ave., NW
Room S-5325
Washington, D.C. 20210
Tel: 202-219-7597

Min. Guillermo Perry
Min. de Hacienda y Credito Publico
Carrera 7a #6-45
Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia
Fax: 284-5396
Tel: 286-3696

Francisco Petros
Exucutive Director
Alameda Santos 1357, 2o Andar
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Mauro Piconi
Ministry of Finance
Viale America
00144 Roma, Italia
Fax: 011-39-6-487-3414

Dip. Roberto Vazquez Platero
Camara de Representantes
Yamandu Rodriguez 1420
Montevideo, Uruguay
Fax: 5982-23-55-38
Tel: 5982-60-18-88

Don Podesta
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20071
Fax: 202-334-6192
Tel: 202-334-7495

Mr. Marco D. Pollner
6014 Onondaga Road
Bethesda, MD 20816
Fax: 301-320-2906
Tel: 301-320-2906

Prof. David Pollock
Norman Paterson School of International Affirs
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada K1S 5B6
Fax: 613-788-2889
Tel: 613-788-6655

Dr. Carlos Pomareda
Programma I del IICA
Apdo. 55-2200
Coronado, Costa Rica
Fax: 506-294741
Tel: 506-240222

Otiz Pomin
Executive Vice President
Avenida S. luis, 165 - 3o
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Fernando Porta
Cavia 3094
1425 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

F. Antonio Pradas
Florida International University
Director, Intn'l Coll. of Busines
BA 350
University Park
Miami, FL 33199
Fax: 305-348-3278
Tel: 305-344-8236/348-2751

Ms. Laura Baughman, President
The Trade Partnership
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 710
Washington, DC 20004
Fax: 202-737-2849
Tel: 202-347-1041

Mr. Marcos a. Espinel, Presidente
Finagro, S.A.
P.O.Box 7628
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Fax: 593-456-6454
Tel: 593-456-6500

Lic. Marco Provencio
Director General de Asuntos Hacendarios
Hacienda y Credito Publico
Palacio Nacional, Oficina 4038
Mexico 06066 D.F., Mexico
Fax: 525-522-0033

Mr. Rodrigo Prudencio
International Affairs Dept.
National Wildlife Foundation
1400 16th St., NW
Washington, DC 20036-2266

Mr. Leo Pujadas
Min. of Planning and Development
Eric Williams Finance Building
Eric Williams Plaza
Independence Square
Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Fax: 809-623-0341
Tel: 809-627-0403 / 625-8763

Mr. Carlos Quijano
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202-676-9271

Rosalinda Quintanilla
The World Bank
Room I-4-099
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20433

Mr. Sarath Rajapatirana
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Fax: 202-676-0368
Tel: 202-473-9797

Mr. Staney Ramsaran
Deputy Director
Ministry of Finance
Onafhankeligkhiidselein 3
Paramaribo, Suriname
Fax: 011-597-476-314

Dr. Stephen J. Randall
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N 1N4
Fax: 403-289-8566
Tel: 403-220-6420 / 6418

Mr. Gustav Ranis
Economic Growth Center
Dept. of Economics
Yale University
P.O. Box 1987, Yale Station
New Haven, Connecticut 06520/1987
Fax: 203-432-3898
Tel: 203-432-3632

Dr. Andre Raynaud
OECD, 94 Rue Chardon-Lagache
75016 Paris, France
Fax: 514-34-35831
Tel: 514-45-248200

Sr. Eustaquio J. Reis
Av. Aantonio Carlos 51-17
Rio de Janiero, RJ.
Brazil 20.020
Fax: 5521-2401920
Tel: 5521-2925141

Blanca Revenga
Consejero de Asuntos Economicos y
Embajada de Espana en Chile
Avda. Andres Bello 1895
Santiago, CHILE

Sra. Maria Perez Ribes
Embajada de Espana
Oficina Comercial
2558 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington D.C. 20008-2865
Fax: 202-265-9478
Tel: 202-265-8600

Ambassador Rubens Ricupero
Min. de Economia
Espland de Minesterios
Bloco P 5 andar
Brasilia, Brazil 70048-000
Fax: 55-61-225-4735
Tel: 55-61-223-6959 / 314-4805

Mr. J. Michael Robinson
Fasken, Campbell, Godfrey, & Barristers
P.O. Box 22
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Bank Tower
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5K 1N6
Fax: 613-364-7813
Tel: 613-865-4424

Ms. Angela Cricco Rodrigues
Trade Assistant
Consulate General of Brazil
77 Bloor Street West, Suite 1109
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1M2
Fax: 613-922-1832
Tel: 613-922-1058/2503

Dr. Maria Cristina Rosas
Univ. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociales
Cuidad Universitaria
Codigo Postal 04510
Mexico, D.F.
Fax: 52-5-597-8887

Prof. Alan Rugman
Faculty of Management
University of Toronto
246 Bloor St. West
Toronto Canada M5S 1V4

Francis W. Rushing
Georgia State University
College of Business Admin.
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303
Fax: 404-651-3996
Tel: 404-651-3782

Joao J.C. Sa
Odebrecht S/A
Alameda Jus Espatidias, 915
Caminho das Arvores - Pituba
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

Jorge Sabra
Subsecretaria de Integracion
Economica Americana
Min. de Relaciones Esteriores
Reconquista 1088
1061 Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA

Mr. Carlos M. Sada
Consul General of Mexico
60 Bloor St. West, Suite 203
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3B8
Fax: 613-922-8867
Tel: 613-922-3196/2718

Sr. Raul Salazar
Macroconsult, S.A.
Psje. Alberto Lynch 165
Lima 27- Peru
Fax: 5114-414760
Tel: 5114-402148

Juan Salazar
Ministerio de Relaciones Ext.
Direccion General de Relaciones
Economicas Internacionales
Alameda B. O' Higgins 1315 2 piso
Santiago Chile
Fax: 562-696-0639
Tel: 562-696-0652

Jorge Salazar-Carrillo
Center for Economic Research
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
Fax: 305-348-3605
Tel: 305-348-3283

Prof. Dominick Salvatore
Dept. of Economics
Dealy Hall
Room E-530
Fordham University
Bronx, NY 10458
Fax: 718-817-4048
Tel: 718-817-4925

Carlos Sanguinetti
Lauro Miller 1857
Fax: 420725
Tel: 420727-28

Dr. Misael Medina Satine
SELA, Avenida Francisco de Miranda
Torre Europa, Piso 4, Chacaito.
Aado Postal 17035. El Conde
Caracas 1010 - A - Venezuela
Tel: 951-6780/6170/4233

Mr. Miguel Scagliotti
Consultor Economico
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Argentina
Reconquista 1088
Cap. Fed. Argentina
Ofic. Mercosur - Piso 11
Fax: 814-4840
Tel: 814-4803/4819

Mr. Jeffrey J. Schott
Research Fellow
Institute for International Economics
Eleven Dupont Circle, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Fax: 202-328-5432
Tel: 202-328-9000

Emily Schwartz
Dow Jones
Alameda Santos 1018, Ap. 42
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Arno Schwed
Dept. Head of Section Latin America
German Ministry of Economics, Bonn
Federal Ministry of Economics
D-5300 Bonn - B Germany
Fax: 228-615-4436
Tel: 228-615-3942

Prof. Daniel Schydlowsky
Department of Economics
American University
4400 Massachussetts Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20016
Fax: 202-885-3790
Tel: 202-885-3770

Jesus Seade
Rep Perm de Mx Ante el GATT
10 A, avenuede Bude
Ch-1202 Geneva (SUISSE)
Fax: 022-733-1455
Tel: 022-734-3031

Roberto B. Saladin Selin
Transnacional Dominicana
Edificio Plaza Monira
Oficina 301, tercer piso
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Sr. Francisco Sercovich
Subdivision de Estudios Regionales y de Paises
P.O. Box 300
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Fax: 211-23-2156
Tel: 211-31-3638

David Martinez Serna
Dir. de Proyectos Intl.
Fisicos 140A
Col Tecnologico
Monterrey NL. Mexico
Fax: 83-43-8417
Tel: 83-59-2916

Mr. Jose R. Serrano-Herrera
Junta del Acuerdo de Cartagena
Av. Aramburu y Paseo de la Republica
Lima, Peru
Tel: 5114-418522/414212

Prof. Helen Shapiro
Harvard University
Graduate School of Business
Morgan Hall 267
Soldiers Field
Boston, MA 02163
Fax: 617-496-5685
Tel: 617-496-6322

Mr. Fred Sheehy
Caribbean & Latin American
Ontario International Corporation
Government of Ontario
7th Floor, 56 Wellesley St. West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 2E4
Fax: 613-314-8222
Tel: 613-314-8243/8200

Robert M. Sherwood
7617 Leith Place
Aledxandria, VA 22307
Fax: 703-768-4630
Tel: 703-768-4118

Clinton R. Shiells
Acting Chief
Research Division
U.S. International Trade Comm.
500 E Street, S.W., Room 603-C
Washington , D.C. 20436

Olavo da Rocha e Silva
11142 Cedarwood Dr.
Rockville, MD 20852

Ednaldo Araquem de Silva
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20224
Fax: 202-622-4408
Tel: 202-622-4465

Mr. Hans Singer
IDS, University of Sussex
Brighton, East Sussex
BN1 9RE England
Fax: 44-273-621202
Tel: 44-273-678279

Wilson Roberto Socares
Av. Paulista 1313 - 11o andar
Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sr. Augusto Aninat del Solar
World Trade Center Santiago S.A.
Av. Nueva de Lyon 72 - 3er Piso
Santiago, Chile
Fax: 562-697-2516/17
Tel: 562-697-2516/17

Mr. Miguel A. Solis
Subdirector Estudios Economicos
Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico (SHCP)
Palacio Nacional
Oficina 1010, Mezzanine
Col. Centro, Mexico
Fax: 525-522-0033
Tel: 525-522-0047

Mr. Enrique Sotelo
General Manager, Latin America Intl.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Commerce Court West, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5L 1A2
Fax: 613-980-5712
Tel: 613-980-5509

Eduardo Sperisen
Camara de Industria de Guatemala
Ruta 6, 9-21 Zona 1
A.P. Postal 214
Guatemala, Guatemala

Mr. William E. Spriggs
Economic Policy Institute
1730 Rhode Island Ave.NW
Suite 200
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-775-0819
Tel: 202-775-8810

Prof. Robert Stern
The University of Michigan
Dept. of Economics
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1220
Fax: 313-763-9181 / 764-2769
Tel: 313-764-2355

Mr. Chris Stevens
IDS, Universtiy of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9RE England
Fax: 0273-621202
Tel: 0273-606261

Ivar Strand
Agricultural Trade Policy Center
2216 Symons Hall
Universtiy of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-5535
Fax: 301-314-9091
Tel: 301-405-1264

Ms. Gabriela Suarez
Assistant Trade Commission
Mexican Trade Commission
2 Bloor St. East, Suite 3032
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 1A8
Fax: 613-922-4736
Tel: 613-922-5548

Elena Maria Suarez
The Fletcher School
Tufts University
Medford, MA 02155
Tel: 617-666-4641

Cristina Sunkel
International Finance Corp.
1850 I Street, NW
Room I-11-109
Washington, D.C. 20433
Fax: 202-676-1139
Tel: 202-473-1344

Ms. Carmen Suro-Bredie
Asst. USTR
Office of the USTR
600 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20506
Fax: 202-395-6135
Tel: 202-395-3911

Mr. Lance Taylor
MIT, Dept. of Economics
50 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139
Fax: 617-253-1330
Tel: 617-253-6182

Ms. Jane L. Barber Thery
Sub-Committee on the Western Hemisphere
U.S. House of Rep.
705 O'Neill House Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20215
Fax: 202-225-2029
Tel: 202-226-7812

Vera Thortensen
Av. Estados Unidos da America
79 - 7o, D 1700
Lisboa, Portugal
Fax: 3511-793-0890
Tel: 3511-848-5535
Co-author with Bresser Pereira

Paulo Tigre
Director, FIERGS
Avenida Asssis. Brasil 8787
Porte Alegre, Brazil

Ricardo Tolipan
Institute of Industrial Economics
Avenida Pasteur 250, 1 Sala 15

Mr. Fernando Traficante
Economic & Labour Policy
Cabinet Office
Government of Ontario
Whitney Block, Rm 4340
99 Wellesley Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M7A 1A1
Fax: 613-325-4736
Tel: 613-314-5708

Mr. Effie J. Triantafilopoulos
Fogler, Rubinoff
Barrister & Solicitors
Suite 4400 Box 95, Royal Trust Tower
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5K 1G8
Fax: 613-941-8852
Tel: 613-864-9700

Dr. Joseph Tulchin
Director, Latin American Program
The Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars
1000 Jefferson Dr. SW
Washington, D.C. 20560
Tel: 202-357-2429

Dra. Diana Tussie
Investigadora Principal- FLACSO
Lacroze 2097
1426 Buenos Aires
Fax: 54-1-775-6937
Tel: 54-1-772-2407

Prof. Shujiro Urata
Social Science Center
Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishiwaseda
Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-50 Japan

Juan Mario Vacchino
Secretaria General
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Integracion
Casilla de Correos 577
Montevideo, URUGUAY

Mr. Viron Vaky
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
2400 N Street NW
Washington D.C. 20037
Fax: 202-862-2610
Tel: 202-862-7900

Ambassador Abelardo Valdez
Washington PERITO & DEBUC
1120 Conn. Ave. NW, 10th Floor
Washington D.C. 20036
Fax: 202-857-4410
Tel: 202-857-4040

Mr. Jorge Gonzalez del Valle
6th Calle 6-38, OF. 807
Zona 9
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Fax: 5022-325524
Tel: 5022-322711

Jorge Gonzalez del Valle
6th Calle 6-38, Of. 807, Zona 9
Guatemala City, GUATEMALA

Juan A. Varela
Viceministerio de Comercio y Industrias
Edificio de la Loteria
Piso 21
Avenida Cuba
Apartado 9658
Zona 4, Panama. Republica de Panama
Fax: 27-5604
Tel: 27-4176

Ana Amaria Vartalitis
PNNUD Arg/025/P2
Reconquista 1088 - 12o Piso
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prof. Arturo Vasquez
Florida Intl. University
College of Business
University Park
Miami, FL 33199
Tel: 305-248-3780

Prof. Claudio Gonzales Vega
Dept. of Agriculture Economics
The Ohio State University
2120 Fyffe Rd, Rm 249
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Fax: 614-292-7362
Tel: 614-292-8014

Mr. Pedro Motta Veiga
Diretor Geral, FUNCE
Avenida Rio Branco 120 gr. 707
Cep. 20040
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fax: 5521-221-1656
Tel: 5521-232-2000

Sr. Joao Paulo Candia Veiga
Rua Sao Bento 405, 7 andar
Sao Paulo, SP Brazil

Prof. Andres Velasco
New York University
Department of Economics
Office 301
269 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10003
Fax: 212-995-3932
Tel: 212-998-1212

Mr. Joao Paulo dos Reis Velloso
Presidente, IBMEC
Av. Rio Branco, 108
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fax: 021-242-6788
Tel: 021-242-4025

Prof. Raymond Vernon
JFK School of Government
Harvard University
79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 01238
Fax: 617-496-0063
Tel: 617-495-1145

Sr. Ricardo Vicuna
Asesor Ministro de Hacienda
Ministerio de Hacienda
Teatinos 120, Piso 12, Of. 4
Santiago, CHILE
Fax: 562-696-4798
Tel: 562-698-9191

Jose Walter Bautisita Vidal
Assoc. of the Brazilian Chemical Industry
Brasilia, Brazil

Pedro da Motta Viega
Avenida Rio Branco 120 gr 707
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Jorge H. Gouvea Vieira
CAEMI Mineracao E Metalurgia S.A.
Praia de Botafogo 300, 13 Andar
22259-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Fax: 5521-552-7047
Tel: 5521-552-4848

Sr. Juan Manuel Villasuso
Director, Centro Prodesarrollo
Aado 6193
San Jose 1000
Costa Rica
Fax: 506-24-3824
Tel: 506-53-1795/24-5121

Dr. Angel Vinas
3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
305 East 47th Street
NY, NY 10017-2301
Fax: 212-758-2718
Tel: 212-371-3804

Mr. Jorge Lidio Vinuela
Consul General of Argentina
1 First Canadian Place
Suite 5840
P.O. Box 5840
Toronto, Ontario
Fax: 416-603-0868
Tel: 416-603-9075

Mr. Ennio Vita-Finzi
The Bridgemond International Group
965 Bay Street, Suite 2302
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2A3
Fax: 416-971-9623
Tel: 416-967-7624

Carlos Waisman
Department of Sociology
University of California
San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0102
Tel: 503-534-4759

Mr. James Wallar
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Tel. 011-331-4524-7420 / 7422

Mr. Martin von Walterskirchen
Private Secretary to the Secretary of State
Federal Office for Foreign Economic Affairs
Bundershaus OST
3003 Berne, Switzerland
Fax: 41-31-212-378
Tel: 41-31-612-235

Mr. Wittier Warthin
Director, Office of International Trade
Dept. of the Treasury
Washington D.C.
Fax: 202-622-1731
Tel: 202-622-1733

Prof. Leonard Waverman
CIS, University of Toronto
18 Madison Avenue
Toronto, Canada M5R 2S1
Fax: 416-978-2910
Tel: 416-978-8637

Prof. Sidney Weintraub
Center for Strategic
International Studies
1800 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20006
Fax: 202-775-3199
Tel: 202-775-3292

Mr. Brian C. Westlake
Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Barristers
P.O. Box 25
Commerce Court West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5L 1A9
Fax: 863-2653
Tel: 863-2544

Dr. Ann Weston
(FOCAL) The North-South Institute
200 - 55 Murray
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 5M3
Tel: 613-236-3535

Prof. John Whalley
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2
Fax: 519-661-3666
Tel: 519-661-3514

Thomas White
Consulate for Economic Issues
Consulado Geral E.U.A.
Rua Padre Joao Maiel 933
01411 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Prof. Van Whiting, Jr.
0510 University of California,
San Diego, La Jolla
CA 92093-0510
Fax: 619-534-6447
Tel: 619-534-6074

Mr. Paul Wilke
First Secretary (Economic)
Royal Netherlands Embassy
4200 Linnean Avenue NW
Washington D.C. 20008
Fax: 202-966-0737
Tel: 202-244-5300

Mr. Hugh Wilkinson
Assistant - Canadian Executive, Director's Office
Inter-American Development Bank
1300 New York Avenue
Washington D.C. 20008
Tel: 202-623-1023

Dr. Gilbert Winham
Dept. of Polical Science
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada B3H 4H6
Fax: 902-494-1957
Tel: 902-494-6611

Prof. Ronald J. Wonnacott
Ecomonics Department
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 5C2
Fax: 519-661-3666
Tel: 519-661-3418

G. Paul Wonnacott
10100 Bevern Lane
Potomac, MD 20854
Fax: 301-405-3542
Tel: 301-405-3266

Mr. John Wood
South America Regional Country Program
Place du Centre
200 Promnenade du Portage
Hull, Quebec, Canada K1A 0G4
Fax: 613-997-0077
Tel: 613-997-6595 / 3079

Mr. Roy Woodbridge
Ottawa World Trade Centre
473 Clarence Street East
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 5R9
Fax: 613-560-2896
Tel: 613-789-1660 / 560-2843

Phillip Yang
Third Secretary
Brasilia, Brazil

Chang Jia Yue
Coordinator, Special Projects
Avenida Sai Luiz 165 3o And.
CEP 01046-911 Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mr. Gerardo Zepeda-Bermudez
Secretario General Adjunto
Secretaria Permanente del Tratado General de
Integracion Economica Centroamericana (SIECA)
4a Ave. 10-25, Zona 14
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Fax: 502-2-68-1071
Tel: 502-2-68-2319

Dr. Eduardo Zepeda-Miramontes
Director del Deamento de Estudios Economicos
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
P.O. Box "L"
Chula Vista, Baja California 91912
Fax: 52-65-630-0050/0088
Tel: 52-66-300-411

Xuemei Zhao
Embajada de China en Chile
Pedro de Valdivia 550
Santiago, CHILE

Mr. Adam H. Zimmerman
Chairman, Noranda Forest Inc.
Suite 4414, Box 7
Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5K 1A1
Fax: 613-982-7396
Tel: 613-982-7120

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The University of Texas at Austin
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